Most Wonderful Time Of Year be a couch potato. Today, I find myself at home with a sniffling, congested little boy. And while I know the worst thing in the world (even more dangerous than alcohol and cigarettes) is...a child watching television, that's what we are doing. Guilty. Again.

It's the most wonderful time of the year and he doesn't feel well and I don't feel like dealing with Christmas crazies. So here we are. Staring at one another. Singing along to the Magic School Bus theme song. Reading a little. Checking Facebook a little. Sipping a second cup of tea. And he's eating a bowl filled with raisins, Cheerios, and carrots while sitting in PJs on the floor. Not glamorous for sure. But it's today. 

I haven't updated my blog for a bit because I thought I didn't have any earth shattering news to share. But then I realized, life at home with kids is rarely earth's glass shattering, and nose wiping, and scolding, and goldfish smushed in the carpet. It's tears, scraped knees, and dirty tees. 

But, it's also the most wonderful time of the year, all year round! It's Christmas magic, perfect curls, the beach in the middle of the week. It's baking cookies and train rides. It's little faces and shared secret smiles. Laugh attacks for no reason. 

So, despite the growing pile of Kleenex, I'm happy to spend these days at home...until the coffee runs out.

Enjoy the photos from our non earth shattering, most wonderful time of year fun...

Merry hot chocolate drinking (in a chipped mug) light blinking (because there's a missing bulb) Santa hat wearing (to cover unwashed hair) and ho ho ho-ing. Merry Christmas, from our far from perfect, selfie taking house, to yours~


Anonymous said…
Cards against humanity, yes!! We should play this sometime. -Dawn

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