
We recently met some butterflies. Butterflies, those colorful fluttering outdoor nectar loving symbols for metamorphosis. Our $3 visit with them in the mall was well worth all the thoughts it provoked. It dawned on me that we are all butterflies.  Right now, I find myself newly emerged from my cocoon and ready to spread my wings. Ready for some exciting new projects and opportunities heading my way. And my kids? Spreading their stinky little boy wings. Zach is just about ready to emerge from the cocoon of home and go to pre-school. Gabe is making his way through the ever frightening Middle School chrysalis.

Here are the ways we are similar to our free flying friends---

Butterfly wings are brightly colored, a strategy used to avoid predators---Gabe also employs this philosophy with his daily flourescent fashion statements. Day glow all day, every day. We feel safe from predators. 

Just as the butterfly is drawn to sweet sugars, so too, are the Majors---well, half of the flock anyway. 

Butterflies, I learned, are nearsighted...Isom.

Butterflies waste no time---Zach is concise in his one need, to be active and outside. All. The. Time.

Butterflies can't fly right from the start...just as I could not run, but I'm trying. It's my newest fitness endeavor. Twice a week for the past two months. I'm getting my running wings. 

I read that butterflies sip from mud puddles, I could not deny, that my daily cup of java, really is reminiscent---

Butterfly feet are used for tasting. And I tasted the sweet nectar of life---music---this week when I had the chance to see Incubus live in concert and Kings of Leon earlier this month. 

And did you know that a butterfly wing is transparent, made of many layers? Just as we try to be transparent in our actions but sometimes get bogged down in all the layers. But our layers keep it interesting.

We are happy. We are tired. We are working hard. We are playing. We are learning. We are lucky. We are butterflies flying on exciting adventures. 


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