Two Week Summer?!

Year round school presents a number of changes in your way of thinking...the biggest one, the idea of a shortened summer break.

So, we crammed in as much fun as this mom could handle...

With cups of coffee thrown in whenever I could...

And Canadian bacon s'mores helped my cause.

We are also taking the perspective of "it's only three summers". Three shortened summers while Gabe is in middle school. We will survive this hardship. 😎

And if not, there's always books to drown our sorrows in. Especially deep reads like The Cat in The Hat, and the intoxicating sequel---The Cat in the Hat Comes Back.

While everyone else is enjoying beach vacations and ice cream cones and ice coffee, we have been school supply shopping, labeling said supplies, and already have two weeks of seventh grade under our belts. But not to fear, come August, when these scenarios apply to everyone else? 

We will be sipping our ice coffee and juice boxes on the beach----enjoying intercession break. The perk of year round school...(and the two week summer sacrifice)


Gem said…
Oh boy...I'm in the process of labeling every single crayon, pencil, etc. right now. Excited for school to start soon for my kiddos though =).

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