On the Road Again...

...or maybe I should entitle this post Driving Queen---as a little dedication to both my grandma (who drove us all 8 plus hours there and back) and ABBA. Their greatest hits CD was on perma repeat through New Mexican desert, towering trees of Flagstaff, sweeping panoramics of northern Arizona. 

I have returned from my second "girls only" road trip with my grandma. Last year, this unlikely Thelma and Louise duo trekked to Pasadena from Phoenix en route to the best wedding ever. This year, Thelma and Louise part two trekked from Phoenix to Santa Fe for the best fiesta ever. 

Although I have traveled to the Southwest many a time to visit my grandma (and grandpa before he passed away), I had never made it to Santa Fe. To those who have never been, go! 

The FOOD---hatch green chiles on a burger! Lotaburger that is. Paella (only if my great Aunt Janice is available to make it for you). And this is cheating a bit---but my Uncle Mike's cornmeal pizza (fresh from Zelo in Arcadia, CA). 

The ARTS---books on every possible shelf, table, chair, coffee shop, store! Heaven! Galleries---Canyon Road was an eclectic gathering of sculptures, paintings, chili pepper wreaths, and crazy coffee guys! We also were there for the Spanish Market that featured music, dance, book signings by local writers, and randomly, shave ice (yes, shave ice is an art form). I even caught a few fangirl Breaking Bad moments too...

There is beauty all around in Santa Fe---from the electric sky, the Sandia mountains, the Adobe style everything! It was impossible to see it all on a limited time frame, but I'm hopeful I can return soon.

There is a certain magic to exploring new places, taking new adventures, being on the road. Expieriencing Santa Fe with my grandma and family who call New Mexico home was a treat. 

You may not find yourself in Santa Fe anytime soon, so in the meantime, I've provided a glimpse with my pictures and you can enjoy more stories from this magical and spiritual place from a true storyteller---Nasario Garcia (writer, folklorist, and to me---comedian/the Paella makers husband). 


Can't wait to get on the road again...


Unknown said…
Beautiful pictures! It was so awesome to finally meet you in person!

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