Major(s) Costumes

Since it's October, I thought I'd share some Majors family costume fun...

Dress up does not end when childhood does. At least not in our house.

In gathering photos for this post, I realized, we dress up daily...not just in preparation for Halloween. 

(Chicken hats are a must)

Living in Washington...
(Geisha and 70s dude)

Watching movies...
(Vampire and sunglasses wearing sidekick)

Hanging out at home...
(Pink hair, top hat guy---official name)

Inspired by favorite T.V. shows...
(Sons of Anarchy)

When we receive mail...
(Ultimate Seahawks fans)

Shopping at K-Mart...
(Liederhosen ensemble)

Walking the aisles of Wal-mart...
(Crazy cat face)

BBQ-ing with friends...
(Insane clown)

Driving in the car...
(Selfie cowgirl)

Apparently, you can't take us anywhere. That's okay though, we have fun...and we are ready for just about any possible scenario. Here's hoping your October is filled with multiple costume changes, funny characters, and lots of laughs about both. 

Happy Halloween,
from the little vampire, the big clown, the mother of criminals, and the pre-teen (the most dramatic and surprising character of all).

I leave you with two of my favorite characters. 
Playing at the farm...
(Dressed as loving brothers)


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