Happy Belated New Year (or an excuse to showcase more Maui pics)

Gone are the days of on time well wishing. On time anything actually. Here I am, twenty days into the new year, wishing you, the reader, a very happy 2016. 

My excuses for tardiness range from "we were on Maui" to "just couldn't look away from Making a Murderer" to "reading the Revenant" to "oh yeah, I have two boys, ages 12 and 4 to tend to". 

   (Gabe photo bombing the sun.)

But seriously, I hadn't realized until this very moment, that my New Years resolution will be tending to my neglected  blog. Which probably looks something like neglecting Instagram in order to update the blog. It's a trade off. 

Welcome 2016. You definitely started off well. We were NOT suffering from the Flu. We were NOT cruising Kapiolani Hospital. We were NOT scared out of our minds over the health of our children. Hashtag winning.

We DID, however, ring in the start of my 40th year on planet earth, with fireworks on the beach, two mini road trips, waterfalls, light hiking, laughs, a black sand beach, and of course each other---in good physical health. Can't comment on the mental health. Yay us.

I firmly believe the way you start the year sets a precedence. 

So if you are paying attention, you'll note that the rest of our year should be filled with tardiness, the outdoors, wild boys, travel, and something explosive! Can't wait.

Tardy or not, my sincerity remains, happy new year and new you! 


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