40 Love

If you are looking for a post on tennis...this ain't it. But, it is all about the milestone of turning 40...

However you choose to rationalize, label, or disguise it...Forty. Four decades. Twenty twice. Halfway to eighty...there's no denying that there are way more "adulting" days in my week than there were in my twenties and thirties. With two kids at home, my forties will most likely involve a great deal more driving to various sport practices, having hard talks with the teen about peer pressure, treating more colds and coughs, breaking up brotherly scuffles, and hopefully laughter and celebrations for other milestones (learning to drive---gah! heading to kindergarten---sniff, sniff!) sprinkled in. 

Turning 40 seemed like a lifetime away when I was graduating high school. And a place in the distant future for "old people" when I was in college. But, now, I'm here. I've arrived at 40 with a more realistic outlook. I've acquired a few new gray hairs, aches and pains that grandparents only ever complained of, and a few extra years of wisdom under my now bigger belt. 

Forty and fabulous does still apply despite the minor aches, pains, gray hairs, and inflated waist. Forty affords knowledge of not sweating the small stuff---Legos on the ground. Not being concerned about what others think of me---sweats to Target, no problem. And happy in my little life with the boys---constant sweat smell always lingering. Like I said, fabulous.

If you encounter a friend about to turn 40, or find yourself knocking at 40's door, don't sweat it. "Age ain't nuthin but a number." This one just happens to be bigger than most---try fitting that many candles on a cake...it's HARD. But, since I'm not sweating the small stuff (just possibly sweating from the heat all those  candles give off), even a cake that is a fire hazzard does not bother me. I've got great gal pals, two great kids, a competent, loving parenting partner/husband, and we are surrounded by the beauty that is Hawaii. 

I've got 40 Love.


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