Milestone Mania

It's feeling a lot like milestone mania around here. I've jabbered on about turning forty...but, how about the mini milestone? It's not high school graduation or running a marathon, but what about things like being able to drop off my pre-teen at the movies, the local shopping center, or recently the carnival, without me hovering close behind? Or my preschooler writing his first and last name by himself? (good grief that was painful...and looooooong to watch). It's the daily tasks and accomplishments that I'm referring to here. 

Milestone mania has arrived and brought along its friend crazy curls. 

My kiddos have been growing and I decided I better document it. For
Moms, documents are known as photos. And for their kids, they are known as irritations. Please enjoy some of our recent irritations...documented on the Internet for my pleasure---one of the luxuries of my forty milestone---gonna do what I like! 

Milestone: "Mom, I put all these buttons on my pjs all by myself!"

Milestone: "Mom, I can multi-task...I'm hitting a piƱata with a stick AND wearing a crazy wig!"

Milestone: "Mom, I'm gonna check out the rides and games at this carnival...without you!"

Milestone: "Mom, I'm going to watch my baby brother and play with him so you can get some work done...without you having to ask!"

Milestone: "Mom, I'm going to make spam musubis for my school market day...and they're going to be delicious."

Milestone: "Mom, I'm going to wash your car...and make it sparkle like new!"

Milestone: "Mom, I'm going to hike faster and better than you, but I'll stop and wait for you to catch up." 

See? I wasn't kidding. Milestone mania. Or make Mom sniffle. Whichever. 


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