Crafting our Imaginations, Launching into Fun

We were lucky enough to receive the February Box of Crafts and boy did the kids (to include my husband) love it. This was our first kid subscription box and I had no idea what to expect. The box is small, but jam packed with high quality supplies. There were three crafts in this months box. Each of the crafts relate to one another. We spent a Sunday afternoon putting together four paper rockets, one rocket launcher, and two rocket targets. The box provided detailed instructions with pictures and all of the necessary pieces for each mini craft project. The additional items we needed were: 

1) big plastic straws 
2) glue gun 
3) scissors 
4) tape 
5) ruler

Most folks likely have scissors, a ruler, and tape, and for the super crafty, they probably have a glue gun. As for the big plastic straws...thanks McDonald's! 

My boys are ages 12 and 4. The crafts included for the rocket extravaganza were challenging enough to keep both boys interested. Some of the aspects of using the hot glue gun, cutting, and measuring were definitely best for my oldest son. Our four year old was able to put the pieces of the rocket together, glue Popsicle sticks together for one of the targets as well as glue the paper target to the craft box for the second target. I had the help of my husband to do these crafts, thank goodness. We decided to do each of the three separate craft components in one day since the three separate activities really work together for one big project. As I type this, the boys are outside launching their handmaid craft rockets. 

Overall, I thought this craft box was a success. We spent time with our kids, practiced skills such as measuring, cutting, patience, direction following, and building. Both of my boys really enjoy building Legos, and something about this rocket craft tapped into their interest in creating things...especially things that launch and fly. 

Even though the box included all the equipment for paper rockets, targets, and kids decided to upgrade the launcher from black turkey baster bulb and airline tubing to bicycle pump (found in our garage) and airline tubing. The original pump launched the paper rockets perfectly boys were enjoying it so much, they let their imaginations lead them to ways to continue the paper rocket fun. (They've now been outside for an hour with it!)

I would recommend Box of Crafts to other parents and I would definitely get another Box of Crafts in the future. Thanks also to Moms in Hawaii for this fun crafting opportunity. Imagination launch!


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