Plans, Projects...Photos

"Spring is the time of plans and projects." Leo Tolstoy

Ain't that the truth. Plans and projects always arrive in Spring. Plans for summer need to be made. Projects that have been put off, need to come to life. This Spring, as we plot, plan, and project, I took a few moments to photograph as well. 

Spring is one of my favorite times of year. It's like Thursday. Almost the exciting end of the week (Summer), but over the beginning of the week blues (Fall), and past the midweek slump (Winter). 

Spring brings outdoor activity, Easter, new life, egg decorating, bunnies...and hope. Can't go wrong with those things. 

And every Spring I seem to muster a renewed  appetite for exercise and re-introducing healthy habits. This year, I'm making time for YOGA (the actual stretching and strength building exercise...not just the pants) and I have given up eating dairy. It may or may not last, but it's worth a try (See how hopeful Spring makes me?!)

I guess my plans and projects are really rejuvenating and better-ing ME! (Good luck seeing any photos of me though.) Hopefully (there's that word again), PROJECT ME will have a positive effect on my kids. I'm already seeing changes. Recently, me and the boys (12 and 4) did Yoga together. We didn't master all the moves, but it was definitely amusing and a great way to incorporate movement and exercise into our day. We would never have entertained these thoughts, let alone these activities before the arrival of Spring! The fresh buzz in the air made us do it!

Thank you Spring for creating the mood for positive change. Thank you Yoga for a space to calm chaotic thoughts and emotions. Thank you to my boys who go along with my whims, Spring related or not. What plans, projects, and photos  are on your plate now that Spring has arrived?!


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