Larisa: Library Lover

...and alliteration also.

It's almost National Library Week. Bet you were counting down the days. Getting your NLW (national library week) cards ready to send out to family and friends. 


(Sidewalk directly across from our beloved library...coincidence? I think not.)

Well, here's why NLW is exciting to me. Books! I love them. All types. No discriminating. Old ones. New ones. Funny ones. Nerdy ones. Romance. Teen. Bio. Academia. Classics, fiction, music, movies...whatever the category, I'm pretty much in. Like coffee. Or pizza. Even when they are bad, they are good.

So, a week devoted to the library, that's cool to me. And I wanted to shout it from the rooftops...or bold type it from my phone. 

(If you are lucky, and smart like me, you will befriend a librarian, who will then share her library goodness...outside of the library. Library at the park!)

(Little me with a book...probably from the library! I'm a lifer.)

When your significant other comes home from work and you have romantic candles lit and a glass of wine waiting, kids dropped off at the sitter, and they ask "what's all this?" You can smile and tell them, "We are celebrating National Library Week, of course!" (You can thank me later.)

But really, the library does so much for our little family. Where else can we discover new books and authors for free? Rent family friendly movies for $1? Participate in Summer Reading programs? (they give prizes...for reading!)
Watch blockbuster movies during school breaks in the air conditioning? Participate in Lego building activities? Do homework? Encounter unique individuals? The library.  

I take the kids (12 and 4) at least once a week and it never disappoints. Rain or shine, our neighborhood library and librarians are always there for our literary needs. 

Be sure to give a little nod, a small donation, or write a gushing blog post about your neighborhood library when you get the opportunity. When you take a moment to think about all our local libraries provide for us, generally for FREE, it seems the least one can do. 

Happy National Library Week! 
Observed April 10-16


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