Life Without Corn

Green Smoothie, minus the Kale (it's on my list)

...and 22 other things. Did you know a life without corn could exist? I didn't. This year, as you may have read previously, I turned 40 and decided to improve my life through food and exercise. The struggle is real. Here is a progress report, to keep those interested informed, and to keep me on track. So, here I am, week one. Posting about non-corn foods on my blog. Blah. Boring. But necessary. Annnnnnnnd taking even more food pictures than I usually do. 

Brown rice cake with fried egg (in a pan without butter) and tomato minus pepper (it's on my list).

As part of hashtag healthy forty, I responsibly got my mammogram. Results all good. I went for my check-up. I had bloodwork done to inform me of what foods I am allergic to and should therefore stay away from. Eliminate. For three months. Then we reevaluate. I am on week one. I'm not starving. But I am getting creative...and irritating to food workers everywhere. I'm that person. The one who needs you to list off every. Single. Ingredient. 

Scrambled egg with zucchini and purple carrot in coconut wrap (minus hot sauce...yes, you guessed it, on my list!)

I have learned some new things. 
1. I am allergic to almost all the foods I love to eat. 
2. Corn is in EVERYTHING. Even my deodorant.
4. Corn is on my list.
5. Avocado and coconut are my new BFFs.
6. Despite the long list of foods to eliminate, I have maintained a positive attitude and a sense of adventure of what I CAN eat.
7. I'm obsessed with making hummus.
8. Maybe I could go back to school to be a nutritionist...or a food blogger that takes endless pictures of her food...oh wait...

Fish tacos with Ma'o greens, tomato, and homemade sweet potato hummus in a coconut tortilla. Bam. Who needs sour cream?! (Dairy...on my list)

Treated myself---thank you for keeping your ingredients simple Hawaiian Chip Co! I can eat your yummy sweet potato chips! 

The good things about eliminating the offending foods from my diet:

1. Shopping at Whole Foods and Farmers Markets more.
2. Spending less time at Fast Food drive thrus.
3. Expanding my food options to new foods.
4. More energy.
5. Better skin.
6. I don't have to eat cauliflower or Brussels sprouts...they are on my list! 

Fruits, my long time nemesis, are making a comeback in my life. There were ZERO fruits on my list, unless you count pumpkin, but we all know, pumpkin is really just a PIE!

The next time you are sitting down to your nice slice of pizza for lunch, or washing your hair, think of me and my new life without corn. Don't shed a tear, I'll survive...on fruit, plain rice cakes, avocado, and coconut EVERYTHING

And if you didn't get enough FOOD pictures, check out my Instagram,  Snapchat, and latest fun social media all about food---DYSH.

Look for iheartkeanu, not lifewithoutcorn. 


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