May is For Moms and Star Wars

think it's no coincidence that Star Wars Day (May the 4th) and Mother's Day (this year May 8th) fall in the same month. The similarities between Moms and Star Wars are well...

let's just say I know my kids often think of me as "the force" (or the Emperor or Yoda depending on the day). Mom is the force that tells them what to wear, when to go to sleep, what to eat, how to talk to goes on and on and on.
And this year, "the force" is also telling them to get outside and move more...with me. Mom. 

I don't know about you, but my 12 year old isn't super excited to be hanging out with his Mom. No matter how cool I think I am, I just can't break into the pre-teen bubble (or the four year old bubble for that matter---see picture below, insert eye roll.)

So, thank goodness for superhero movies, the beach, and the occasional sweet treat to bridge the gap and help me with my bubble problems.

I've found that keeping my boys on the go and busy with outdoor activities helps to keep me a relevant part of their lives these days. Since they no longer need me to feed them, change their diaper, or get them dressed, we (I mean me) are rediscovering our roles.

Now I am needed as a chauffeur, a bank, and the occasional advice columnist. My four year old is still in the keep Mom close by for snuggles phase, but I see his independence flourishing and know it won't be long until a few low grunts and some eye rolls will be his main communication tools. 

I'm trusting that the time we spend playing at the beach, the pool, and having sing alongs in the car now, will be the force later, that guides them in less playful periods of growing up. And when all is lost, there's always Star Wars.


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