
Part One:

Turning 40 brought new gray hairs, kicked me into Yoga, and the idea of checking a few things off my "to do" list...or as most people call it, a Bucket List. I'm not a huge fan of this terminology, but since I can't think of anything more clever, it will just have to do. 

So. The Bucket List. Things on it mostly pertain to travel.

2. Eiffel Tower
3. Great Wall of China
4. Alaska
5. Meet Keanu Reeves

See. Mostly travel. Prior to two weeks ago, "See Mt. Rushmore" would also have been on the list. But now, having survived yet another crazy Griswold-esque vacation, I can finally say, "I've been to Mt. Rushmore!"

The road to Rushmore was filled with fun, climbing, hours of car riding, Starbucks, SnapChatting, Rest Stops, Lottery ticket buying (and winning), Willie Nelson songs, tourist traps and post cards, photos, and of course every Hawaii girls must have---In and Out Burger. And just to cover all my hometown bases, a Southern girl stop at Chick-fil-A. 

Our family of four flew 2,905 miles from Honolulu to Phoenix, Arizona. State number one. A short stay at my Grandma's house, picking up the rental beast (it was a Ford Expedition...we drive a Honda Fit normally), and we were off on our summer adventure. 

Grandma, a.k.a Tutu, planned our driving route. My husband, a.k.a. Chauffeur, drove the planned route (until he didn't...more on that later). Me, a.k.a the D.J./Siri Consultant had to make sure  the tunes were flowing and the right freeway exits and junctions were being taken. The kids, a.k.a the bottomless pits, were in charge of eating all the Cheetos known to man.

Now you know the characters.

Now for the places. 

Dinosaur Tracks: Arizona
Random side of the road place. Look for the "garage sale" type sign announcing you have arrived. Arrived to a dust road. A non-parking, parking lot with small, old sheds denoting where you can pull your rental beast up to. And then you are met by the most delightful Navajo Indians prepared to give you a "donations only" for payment tour of ancient Dinosaur fossils and tracks. Seemed legit to me! 

Four Corners Monument:
This is where four states meet. Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah. Bam, states two, three, and four. Of course we goofed around and placed arms and legs Twister style in each state. It's a must. Zach (my four year old) opted out. He had just woken up from his first Road Trip  nap. 

Cortez, Colorado:
First hotel stay of the trip. My kids first introduction to the great state of Colorado. Dined on Mexican food that tasted all the better after a day of car travel.

Hole in the Rock: Moab, Utah
Best tourist trap ever. Where else can you see "Big Foot", a camel in a zoo, a Jeep comprised completely of old license plates, tour an old home and former restaurant that are literally inside a hole in a rock...a really big rock.

Arches National Park: Utah
The fan favorite! Beauuuuuuuutiful. Stunning. Majestic. Windy. Unexpected hiking took place here. The short of it, I can't read signs, I was wearing a dress that may or may not have blown up and flashed a group of tourists, we left Tutu on the side of a mountain (sounds waaaaaay worse than the reality of it), and saw some of natures most magnificent sights. My iPhone pictures can't capture the magnitude of these rocks. You'll just have to take my word for it. And plan a trip there to see it in person.

And that's where this part of the tale ends. More next time on #majorsrushmore

In the next episode of the Majors Rushmore Road Trip, prepare for extreme cold temps, snow, off roading, tornado clouds, CarHenge (yes!), wild animals, and of course...Mt. Rushmore!


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