Oahu Exploration: Diamond Head

Do you know your city, the town that you live in? I'm determined to discover and rediscover the place my family calls home. Sometimes that looks like trying different restaurants (and returning time and again to those we love). Sometimes knowing our island means seeing it through other people's eyes, exploring tourist destinations with friends and family who come to town. And sometimes it looks like hiking. 

Saturday, we explored Diamond Head Crater. We took our two boys inside a volcanic crater...and hiked it. Call us crazy.

Most folks can readily recognize Diamond Head. It is an image that pops into the heads of people who have ever given Hawaii a second thought. Since it is such a well recognized landmark, I thought it important for me and my family to explore what it has to offer---sunshine, sweeping views, stairs, sweat, and...shave ice!

Here are a few pointers on what NOT to do if you decide to hike the crater:

Do NOT...

think you can sleep in, get your day started late, and head over to hike Diamond Head---High Noon is NOT the ideal time for taking this hike...unless you are really into sweating extra, sunburn, and hearing complaints from those you are hiking with about how blazing hot it is. Just saying.

Do NOT...

forget to bring water. Seriously. If you arrive without it, turn around and go home.

Do NOT...

workout on the Stairmaster equipment at the gym before going on this hike, your legs will turn to Jello. There are stairs in the middle of a volcano people! They are serious stairs. Concrete. There is also a weird amount of space between each of the stairs for my short legs. They are steep and narrow stairs. And did I mention, there are a lot of STAIRS?! 

Do NOT...

forget your camera. The Pacific Ocean looks bluer than anything I could try to attempt to compare it to. There are mountain views, city views, ocean views, crater views, and of course whatever cute hikers you decide to drag along with you.

Do NOT...

leave your hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen at home, in your car, or at the store where they can be purchased. I guess if you hike early in the morning like a normal person, you might be able to forgo one or more of these items...but the noon crew? No way. 

And the final piece of advice, which of course is the most crucial...do NOT leave Diamond Head without getting your well earned SHAVE ICE! Cash only. Sometimes there's a line. But don't let this be a setback. Sweet treats taste all the better after a workout, some sun, and  being in Hawaii. 

We suggest the Rainbow and the Lemon-Lime Passion Fruit. 

The next time you have time and are looking for something to do, I highly recommend exploring something fun in your city. Try that restaurant you've heard so much about. Throw on your sneakers and walk through downtown. Hike a volcano! Be adventurous...


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