Seeking Zen

Being Mom to two boys is anything but relaxing. It's messy, it's loud, it's chaotic, it's frustrating, it's burgers and fries. It's not walking quietly through a Buddhist Temple and sipping Boba...until it is. 

Because today, even though it's their school break, we did what MOM wanted to do. First stop, Byodo-In Temple in Kane'ohe/Kahalu'u. We have been here several times through the years, but it's one of those places that you just come back to every now and then. Why? For me, if I really stop and take note, it's always during a time when I am seeking some Zen. Some peace from cluttered thoughts, a break from sibling rivalry, a hush from all the noise that living in a metropolitan area and being a stay at home mom can bring.

Today was the first time we had to make two trips to the Temple. Our first trip we didn't make it out of the car---there was no parking. No parking? No problem. This was when I had the brilliant idea to go to the new Bee and Tea in Kailua and hit up BookEnds bookstore in hopes of some folks clearing out of our Zen spot. Sure enough, when we headed back for round two, the perfect parking spot(s) awaited. 

Although Zen was what I was seeking...the first stop at the temple? A ginormous and excruciatingly loud bell. The kids were drawn to it like magnets. Wanting desperately to ring and re-ring that bell a bazillion times. Ugh! Hashtag Zen Fail!

When I was finally clever enough to persuade them away from the big bell (bribery might have been involved), we engaged with ginormous Koi. Somewhat more restful of an activity.

Next, glorious ginormous pink hibiscus. I'm noticing a ginormous pattern. 

We flattened a penny in the machine by the gift shop (cheapest souvenir ever) and looked for frogs (unsuccessful unless you count a concrete statue frog). 

We were once again in the land of mosquitos, but this time we were armed with our special Boba drink treats...they helped take our minds off of possible Dengue exposure. 😜

Byodo-In Temple is a great place to come for those on a budget ($3 for 13 yrs and over, $1 for 2-12 yrs, $2 for fish/bird food for feeding frenzy experience, FREE parking).

Clearly today's lesson was in patience and perseverance. And when there's time to kill, buy a book and some Boba! And that's how you find zen. 


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