O'ahu Exploration: Ualaka'a Loop Trail

"Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky." Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

We walked through a poem. It is easy to see why great authors of our time (and not our time) choose to write about nature---the forest, the trees, the sky, the oceans. There is a majestic quality to plants that were here before you and will (hopefully) remain long after your time is done. 

With each hike checked off my Hike O'ahu checklist, I am discovering that outdoor exploring helps with inner exploration too. I am overcoming (one step in the forest at a time) some of my previous dislikes and anxieties related to physical accomplishments. Hiking is a challenge of the mind and body. I tried running. And I didn't get very far (literally and figuratively). I never experienced that so called "runners high". But hiking on my own terms and pace has allowed me to experience what I am calling "hikers high" (literally and figuratively). So for those of you with me on finding running diffucult...I encourage you to find your inner Cheryl Strayed (author of "Wild") and get on your hiking boots and hit the nearest hiking trail!

Recently, our oldest son (13) was doing some off O'ahu exploration in Washington, D.C. For a week, he and ninety other eighth graders hiked through our nations Capitol. While he was trying to catch glimpses of Obama, we were trying to catch glimpses of Diamond Head. 

We drove to Honolulu and up Mt. Tantalus. We parked at Pu'u Ualaka'a State Park and started on yet another mosquito filled trail. I would describe this trail as easy. There are a few switchbacks  but the terrain is generally level and easy to navigate. This trail provided shade and the coolest tree roots and the biggest intertwined banyan tree beautiful mess I've ever seen. 

The trail is a loop, but it is a little tricky when you reach "the top" where there are a couple of benches for snacking, thinking, or being bate for mosquitoes. We were literally at a fork in the road and forced to choose a path. I'm sure any of the choices would have been fine, but since we had our five year old in tow, we weren't prepared to hike for an entire day. 
Thank goodness our choice led us down the correct path...the one back to our car! 

There were two spots when we emerged from the protection of the trees and crossed the road (please be aware of drivers who may be speeding around the curve). The last part of this hike was cool. We came across a spray painted love seat situated perfectly in a puka of trees, inviting a romantic view of Diamond Head and Honolulu below. I love my husband, but we opted out of sitting in the bug infested couch...great idea with a slight flaw. 

A short walk up from the "bug couch" was a rudimentary and unofficial tree loft built for the purposes of an even better view of Diamond Head. We watched two young hikers climb the tree and stand on the crude platform. We snapped a photo,  got their verbal description of what they were seeing, and were on our way to finish our loop trail family hike. 

Quick. Good views. Plenty of trees. Great for kids and beginner hikers. Close to the city. And the state park has a non-rudimentary catwalk platform that you can see Diamond Head from---minus couch bugs, potential unsafe conditions, and includes information boards for your reading pleasure. 

Started with trees...ended with sky. That's a poem.


Janell said…
Awesome post! I feel the same way about hiking! Love this series.
Larisa said…
Thanks so much Janell!

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