Oahu Exploration: Pu'u O Hulu (Maili Pink Pillbox)

Happy October! It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the one month out of the year you may even consider thinking about breast health...although I encourage you to think about it more. I thought about it in February, for my 40th, when I promptly had my first mammogram (all is well) and will be thinking about it later this month when I will be doing the Susan G. Komen Honolulu Race for the Cure (you can join me or donate/sponsor me...there's still time until October 16th!). In honor of those I know that have been affected by breast cancer, I thought today was the perfect day to get active and hike to the Maili "Pink Bunker". 

This trail is located on the Westside of Oahu in Maili. The ocean is on one side and mountains are on the other. There is free street parking and the unofficial trail (there are no standard brown and yellow state trail markers) begins right off the sidewalk. No sweet preamble, just hit the ground running. It's rocky, dusty, and uphill. There is little to no shade...except for that provided by my hat and a couple of cool trees (one pictured above) embedded in the rock of the mountain.

The view payoff is significant. According to our trusty hiking iphone app, we were 700 feet up and round trip was close to 2 and a half miles. I'll take it! It's the perfect length to get some good cardio and sweat in without feeling sore or exhausted later in the day. 

As with all the hikes we do, the entire family participated. We indeed made it successfully to the top, but this trail could be scary, hard, or dangerous for little kids. Literally on the edge of a mountain. I like to think my boys are super duper when it comes to hiking, but this trail could be especially challenging if it is rainy, your shoe traction is poor, or a misplaced step caused you to loose your footing...by all means be careful and use conservative judgment if you choose to attempt this hike with young children. 

Once we arrived at the bunkers at the top of the mountain, we took time to enjoy the views (inside and out), take pictures, have a snack, and make friends with fellow hikers (how else can you get epic family pictures if you don't socialize?) Water wasn't an issue, as maybe you noticed...I got myself a camelback! 

My husband pointed out that not only are our hikes exercise and nature oriented, they are a lesson in history. The boys are full of questions about old military equipment we see along the way. Their curiousity leads to discussions on the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor, which keeps us both on our military history toes. 

I would definitely do this hike again. Maybe a new October tradition to honor breast cancer awareness.

Or just a great tradition honoring family, being active, and loving our Oahu home. 


...only in Hawaii do you see a dancing Spam Musubi on the side of the road after you go hiking. 

Aloha...until the next adventure presents itself.


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