Last Hike of 2016: Hau'ula Loop Trail

Since our family has been hiking for most of 2016, I thought it fitting that we end the year with a hike...a hike while we were on Christmas Vacation with out of town relatives.

That's right. Grandma and Poppa joined us for the final Majors family hike of 2016! Our vacation rental was nestled nicely on the sandy shores of Laie. We decided to stay close to our vacation spot and headed to Hau'ula for an afternoon hike. 

The entrance sign has seen better days, but we didn't let this deter us from an adventure. December rains meant that we immediately encountered some slippery terrain and mud. And our old pals the mosquitos! We can't escape them. One stream crossing under our belt and we quickly found ourselves trekking up, up, and up. Forrests surrounded us and only the smallest of holes between branches offered views of the Pacific. 

This was our first time taking Zach (5) on this trail. Also a first, dragging the grandparents through mud with us. And finally, a first for filming the entire thrill a minute jaunt with our new GoPro. New notes to self: 13 and 5 are the same age when handed any camera/filming device. The hike I hoped to capture for prosperity...more like a documentary on how many times fart, dumb, poop, stupid, and booger can be caught on camera...upside down! 

Our additional hiking crew were troopers---through mud, poop talk, and being filmed. We may have the makings of a new reality T.V. show!

We made it to the halfway point of this hike and then turned around due to impassable trail conditions. Next time around, we'll make it all the way...around!

As we reached the end/beginning of the trail, a concrete wall of graffiti caught my eye. We all wandered down the paved road beside the graffiti wall and decided the elaborate spray paint collages were perfect backdrops for photos.

I would definitely do this hike again. There was more to be explored and it wasn't overly crowded with people. It was a great hike for all levels of hikers. And if you find a good walking stick like these two pictured below, well, you are prepared and stylish. 

Even the parking lot across from the road we hiked up to get to the hike, beautiful. 

Hau'ula Loop Trail, the perfect place to round out a year of trails with the perfect companions. 







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