Mililani Exploration: Kipapa Stream Trail

Learn something new everyday. Today, I learned there is a lovely neighborhood park in walking distance from my house...and a fabulous hiking trail just behind that!

Today we were finally able to go on a hike---without driving (well, sort of...more on that later). We simply geared up, walked out of our house and to a trail we'd never explored before. Adventure Saturday!

Today's hike was 2.2 miles (one way) on a partially old paved road, winding around the back woods of Mililani, down to Kipapa Stream, back up to...Costco in Waipio. Say what?

We truly had not planned on arriving on the oustskirts of a farm that is directly across from our local Costco. Hiking truly lands you in the most unexpected places.

Along our route we encountered dirt bikers, a small band of pre-teen scooter riders, a couple of farm hands in a truck, a very intimidating junkyard dog, zero other hikers, and a friendly Starbucks Barista.

That's right, after our Saturday surprise hiking adventure, we found ourselves semi-stranded and without money at the Starbucks by Costco. Thank goodness we had our phones with our trusty Starbucks apps---we were able to grab refreshments/sustenance/rations for what we thought would be our trek back through what we only discovered was private property as we exited it to cross the road to salvation/Starbucks.

If you are familiar with the Mililani area, you know that there are two ways in---H2 Freeway (a no pedestrian zone) and Kipapa Gulch on Kamehameha Hwy (should be a no pedestrian zone due to the lack of sidewalks and crazy roadway/speedway with limited sight distance). We really felt like we had no options to return home on foot---freeway, death road, trespassing, no wallet=zero cash were the options available. Hmmm.

The boys were tired and hoping The Bus would take pity on us and drive us home. No such luck. Uber was starting to look promising. And then, my hiking buddy and fellow Mililani resident came to our semi-rescue. Saved at Starbucks! The boys and I received FREE rides home...and Isom, well, he went rogue. Determined to find a suitable pedestrian pathway home, he took off with fresh ice water from Starbucks, Kale Chips from Starbucks, and a phone charged at 31%. Things were looking sketchy.

Clearly, since I'm typing this post, we all made it home in one piece. A full days adventure behind us, humorous memories made, and a story to share about our Kipapa Stream/Starbucks hiking excursion.

Please note: I do not advocate trespassing. Starbucks did not sponsor our hike (although it may appear that way due to the overabundant amount of references made in this one blog post).

I DO, however, advocate getting out and exploring your town, your home, your neck of the woods, your corner of the world. Discovery is everywhere, right under your nose! And I do advocate treating yourself to a refreshing beverage after a hike---you earned it!

Other things learned from today's trail:
1. Stash cash in your hiking bag (you never know when it may come in handy).
2. Starbucks is literally everywhere.
3. It's good to have friends willing to pick you and your kids up at the drop of a hat.
4. The ice water at Starbucks is extra delicious.
5. All neighborhoods should have pedestrian access/pathways that are safe and that don't force you to break the law/walk on private property.

Saturday Selfie at Starbucks!

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