Makaha Exploration: Ka'ena Point State Park

If my calculations are correct, I have now hiked this trail three times...the westside portion anyway. Despite multiple visits, Saturday was the first time hiking it without kids and coincidentally, the first time actually reaching "the end" or the point---the western most tip of the island of O'ahu. 

It's amazing that we made it...since the hike we had intended to do was Makua Caves. A downed power line changed our fate. After having driven almost an hour to the original destination, only to discover an "electric" path, we decided we would venture a little further down the road to Ka'ena Point. When life throws you an electrical wire...

In record time we made it to the point in the hike that we usually have to turn around with the kids...and we kept going! Uncharted territory!

We quickly arrived at a gate with signs announcing that we were entering a Native Ecosystem---the Albatross bird sanctuary and nature reserve. We saw an incredible number of birds. They were gigantic. White gigantic flying birds everywhere you looked. Worth the detour from our original plans. 

We also saw gigantic white capped waves. A hardcore surfers dream. And the biggest monk seal I've set eyes on---lounging and taking in the late afternoon sun. 

Our journey (over five miles by the time we returned to our car) along the coast and to the point was worth the blisters I received on my toes and ankles (I was breaking in new hiking boots). 

This Makaha exploration was memorable...which I guess is "the point".



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