Tunnels and Aloha: A Return to Waimano and Hamama

In my previous post I gushed about my birthday eve hike to Hanauma Bay Ridge. On my actual birthday however, I spent part of the afternoon exploring the upper portion of Waimano Trail---it has tunnels! And zombie intel...apparently they exist. 

We met new hiking friends at the trail head in Pearl City (across from Pearl City High School) and began our hike a little after lunch time with three kids all under age five between us. They were all great hiking companions...and the perfect heights for the tunnels we explored.

I have done the lower portion of this hike a couple of times, but for some reason never ventured to the upper trail, which after exploring a portion of it, I think I prefer. 

There were lush views of the valley, flowers and berries along the trail, old rock walls for added interest, a couple of sweeping views of West O'ahu, and the perfect snapshot/snacking bench. 

Flashlights and hard hats suggested for these tunnels. Flashlights to see...hard hats to protect your noggin (especially if you are over four feet tall). I successfully bonked and thunked the top of my head twice. I guess I'm a slow learner. This trail seemed designed for the mini explorer in your life. All three kids loved the sights and feeling brave after going through each tunnel. We explored five tunnels in total (technically four since the fifth was filled with murky, uninviting water). Apparently, the trail continues and more tunnels are ready to be explored...saving that adventure for a later date...

The second hike I returned to this past week was Hamama Falls in Kahalu'u. Driving into Kaneohe and past the old Hygenic store on Kamehameha Hwy, there is a side street near Kahalu'u Elementary school that leads you to neighborhood parking for a hike up a few steep inclines to the finale---Hamama Falls. 

This hike is on private property and has seen better days. The last time I did this hike with my boys it was not overgrown, very well maintained, and an obvious popular swimming hole hangout. Times have changed.

Now, there are fallen trees to hurtle over, sad old reminants of fun summer days past and of tree swings over the water, horse droppings (that this girl unsuccessfully avoided...a hiking first), and a general vibe of disarray and abandonment. But, we persisted on...

Although the path to the falls appeared different from my last trip, the falls themselves had not changed, so we stayed for a bit taking them in and enjoying our day with two special guests that joined in on the Valentines Day hiking fun. Thanks for joining us Amanda and Sarah! 

A "Galentines" Day hike...

with Aloha

...and a stuffed Honu.

I've learned that returning to hikes I have done previously gives me perspective, refreshes my memory, and is a great way to celebrate a birthday and Valentines Day. And sometimes you find tunnels of discovery and aloha that you never new existed before.



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