Honolulu Exploration: Makiki Valley Loop Trail

Tuesday Trail: Makiki Edition. We added another hiking buddy to today's trail. After a whiny, complaining, hungry, and multiple trips/non-serious falls from the five year old---let's hope she decides to join us again! 

Makiki Valley Loop Trail is a 2.5 mile trail that actually consists of three individual trails. Kanealole Trail is .7 miles of uphill trail over roots and rocks with sights of a stream and bamboo. Kanealole meets up with Makiki Valley Loop Trail that is a 1.1 mile series of gradual switchbacks that meets up with three other trails at a junction of "which way should we go". But, in order to return to our car parked by The Hawaii Nature Center, we headed down the final part of today's hike on Maunalaha Trail. Maunalaha was another .7 miles of downhill hiking (uphill if you take the loop counterclockwise). This section of the three in one trail was my favorite. Big roots, big trees, big shade, peek-a-boo views of Honolulu and the Pacific in the distance, and of course it was the last leg of the hike!

This loop trail was much better than that other popular loop (Aiea). It was less muddy, better maintained, shorter, and all around more enjoyable. 

Even though this trail is not too difficult and is kid-friendly, my little Zachy was not feeling like a happy hiker today (maybe he needs a break 😳). 

But we persisted and we conquered Makiki despite a few obstacles...and rewarded ourselves with some silly pictures...and a stop to Liliha Bakery for a world famous coco puff. It was Pi Day after all (3/14 to be interpreted 3.1415926...). So we indulged in all things circular and pie like---loop trails and coco puffs! 😉

If you've never done any of the trails in the Makiki Trail system, I recommend it. These trails are great for beginners, great workouts on those humid/vog filled days, and an excuse to stop in to the always popular Liliha Bakery (it's so good that I went off diet for it).

Happy Pi Day!


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