Surf and Turf: Koko Crater Botanical Garden and Ka Iwi Coastline

Twofer Tuesday! Two trails today---one inside the crater of a volcano, the other down to the deep blue water of the Pacific Ocean. 

The original plan for today was a quick and easy two mile loop hike in the crater of Kokohead where there is a free Botanical Garden. The gravelly dirt path that winds through the bottom of the crater takes you through a plumeria grove, a pack of cactus, large boulders, and patches of other vegetation I'm unfamiliar with. 

We've had out of town guests visiting and haven't hiked as much over the past couple of weeks, so a low key trail seemed like the best plan. This is seriously an easy hike...that my five year old still managed to dislike, complain, and even slip and fall on. I guess he didn't miss our regular hiking schedule as much as I did. 

We managed to complete the loop without a major meltdown, but I was feeling like I wasn't quite ready for our adventure day to be over. 

As we headed out of the garden, we decided to make a quick stop at the beach across the street---Sandy's. I'm no surfer, but I do enjoy taking in the sights and sounds of the waves crashing onshore. And what do you know, there was a falafel food truck and a coffee stand right there! Our surprise beach stop turned into a lunch break...

...and a photo opportunity. Bathroom wall art, a falafel sandwich from Island Pita, and a refreshing pineapple juice made up for the less than thrilling hike we just did with the whiny five year old. 

Feeling rejuvenated, my hiking buddy and I decided to make one more unexpected stop...the scenic lookout spot past Blowhole. And here's where the day really got good. 

We hopped over the lava rock wall in the parking lot and hiked down a similar terrain to the Hanauma Bay Ridge Trail. We trailblazed down, around, over, under until we reached a small secret cove that enabled us to see waves crashing against the rocks. It was an awesome unplanned view. 

Two mini hikes, trying out a new foodtruck for lunch, and graced with beautiful clear blue skies---the recipe for another great Tuesday Trail adventure. 

"Sometimes the most scenic roads in life are the detours you didn't mean to take." Angela N. Blount 




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