Kane'ohe Exploration: Aikahi Pillbox

Go further. That is what I learned today. Ever started a project, but then stopped prematurely? Stopped just shy of reaching your goal? This has been a recurring theme for me. Stopping a book before finishing because I've become sidetracked by life. Only doing half a workout because I'm sore. Turning around before reaching the end of a trail...

A few months ago, my family and I hiked this very same hike I am posting about today. And yet, we did NOT see the Pillbox. Hmm. We quit too soon! We reached a cluster of antenna at what we thought was the top of the mountain and assumed that was all there was to the trail. WRONG.

Today, Zach and I went further. And we were rewarded with stunning views, a better workout, and one giant ant that scared the you know what out of my five year old. (Now I know he has a fear of ants.) Learn something new everyday.

Blue skies, views from Kane'ohe Marine Corp Base to Chinaman's Hat to past Lanikai and Bellows in the distance---all definitely worth going further! 

Including our walk from our parking spot along Kane'ohe Bay Drive, up the paved hill, and along the rocky fence line to the Pillbox, this hike ended up being 2.5 miles. It is a mostly sun exposed trail with a few overgrown bushes being the only chances at shade. We had snacks, water, and comfortable clothes on, so we faired well along the way. 

I would recommend this hike to those seeking a bit of adventure, panoramic ocean views, and those with kids who aren't afraid of ants. 

The hike back down was of course quick and easy after the sun soaked trail up. And we had the incentive of Kailua's Bee and Tea Boba (and new to the menu Taro   Waffles) to lure us back to the car. 

Go further. Push yourself. Try harder---and views, pride of accomplishment, and  waffles await.


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