Westside Exploration: Upper Makua Cave

Last Thursday we climbed the side of a mountain. It sounds crazy. But it was fun, less dangerous than I expected, and those views!

With my five year old and my hiking buddy, I led the charge through tall, overgrown grass uphill...and to the wrong part of the trail.  Oops!

After taking a few photos (because even a wrong turn can yield amazing views), we backtracked a little, found a new trail, and were back to trekking up the mountain in search of the famed Makua Cave. 

A few more minutes of bugs flying by our heads and we reached a part of the trail that was less overgrown and more of a rocky, dusty trail. 

Rounding one last corner and then...

...magic! The phrase "the westside is the best side" is something I have often heard living on O'ahu. This trail proves that sentiment. These views will be etched in my mind for years to come. 

This hike was not very long, but it was mostly uphill on uneven terrain...and in an unexploded ordinance area. So, there are risks. We took our time and we were happy to see a handful of other hikers both going up and down the trail. 

If you have shoes with good traction and find yourself on "the best side", I highly recommend exploring your way to the cave in the middle of the mountain. The experience was one of the best of all my adventures here on O'ahu. 

Counting down the days until I can experience this trail again. 


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