Eight Years Later: Return to Koko Crater Railway Trail

September 2009 was the last time I climbed 1,048 steps up "the devil's trail".  I was eight years younger than I am now.  I had one less child.  I was not hiking all of the time, in fact, I was baking cupcakes daily.  But for reasons I have probably blocked out, Isom, Gabe (who was 6 at the time), and I climbed/hiked the Koko Crater Stairs.  I vowed never to return.

Never say never!  Eight years later, now with two kids, and definitely an avid hiker, I finally mustered the courage to re-evaluate/return/re-do Koko Crater Stairs.  While the first time was brutal, I'm pretty sure I likened the hike to childbirth (click here to read the original post), this second (and hopefully final time) was better...but still not great.

Last Tuesday, the kids had just started Fall Break from school.  It was the perfect opportunity to get together for a hiking, beach, and lunch out adventure day with our favorites, the Pommerenk family.  The weather was slightly cloudy (a wonderful thing for hiking this beast), but still sunny enough to capture views, collect our daily dose of vitamin D, and sweat like monsters before hitting the beach.

Last time there were three of us making the agonizing journey to the top of the Koko Crater/end of the Railway Trail.  This time we were a crew of seven.  We drove together, walked to the trailhead together...and that's where we parted ways.  The boys in the group quickly left us in the dust, all I could see of them was the bright orange of Gabe's shirt already almost to the top of the stairs (I think they made it to the top in about twenty-five minutes).  And then there was the middle crew, taking the stairs at a good pace with a few stops for water and to take in the view here and there.  Finally, my crew of two, sometimes three.  Zach and I brought up the rear, along with Mia who was kind enough to wait for Zach's little legs and my huffing and puffing (I would like to note here that I was suffering from the last remnants of a chest cold on this hike, yay me for not keeling over!).

We made it to the top with no falls, minimal complaints (shocking considering the heat and amount of uneven stairs, which are really railroad ties).  Finally at the top (we made it in about 40 minutes), we were reunited with the rest of our group.  Snacks, resting, jumping photo shots, view intakes, and playing dead (I told you it was a brutal hike) were all shenanigans we saved for the top of the crater.  Fellow crazy hikers were also there at the top slurping water, wiping their brows of sweat, and muttering to themselves they couldn't believe they climbed all those stairs.  And we still had to go back down.

In the end it was nice to check this one off the list...again.  I now know I can trek up the stairs even if I'm not at 100%, that I can do it without being sore the next day, and that both my boys have successfully conquered Koko Crater Stairs...with mom.

For panoramic east O'ahu views, experiencing the stair master workout of a lifetime, and making memories that will bond you for life with whoever you attempt this beast with...Koko Crater Railway Trail is one to pat yourself on the back for.  It's one to write home about...or blog about...twice.  I've decided it can be my "once a decade" hike.  I've done it in my thirties.  I've done it in my forties.  And now I have ten years to prepare myself to take it on in my fifties.  I'm sure you will be anxiously awaiting that post---entitled "Fifty and Frazzled, Why I Hiked Koko Crater Stairs...Again!".

I hear the Koko Crater Stairs are a wonderful place to watch the sunrise.  The thought of this almost has me interested in returning before the next decade is up.  I guess I should take my own advice and never say never to revisiting the stairs before I'm fifty.  If hiking this year has taught me anything, it's  that I can take on things I never could before.  I can do hard things.  I can surprise myself.  I can make it up 1,048 steps!  And if I do decide to take on this beast again anytime soon...you can be sure I will be posting about it here...so stay tuned, I might just surprise you (and myself).

...1,048 steps that led me to the most beautiful and delicious sandwich I've eaten this decade.  Thankful for Jersey Mikes for replenishing all the nutrients I sweat out up and down those pesky stairs. I could never say no to this

"Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion." ~Michael Jordan


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