Manana Trail: Rain, Rainbows, Rollercoaster Ridges

Rainbows were not something I was accustomed to seeing growing up in Atlanta.  I'm sure the occasional rainbow could be seen, but it definitely wasn't a daily occurrence, and it especially would not be something I would see multiple times in multiple places in one day.  Welcome to Hawai'i life.  On O'ahu, rainbows pop up daily, multiple times a day even.  And if you are an extra special leprechaun, you can enjoy seeing rainbows on a hike---exploding in nature with a backdrop of mountains, trees, and clouds.  Welcome to yesterday on the Manana Ridge Trail.

In the back of Pearl City, there is a highly underrated hiking trail called Manana Ridge.  Yesterday was my third time hiking a portion of the ridge.  The first time we took a wrong turn and got rained on (but still managed to accomplish a couple of miles and take in some gorgeous scenery).  The second time was with a friend I made hiking.  She and I had a couple of hours one morning so we spent it exploring a little further down the trail (no wrong turns or rain) and discovered a bench, a Boyscout hut and picnic table with a campground area, and a majestic field.

Third time was the charm yesterday (despite still not finishing the entire trail) because we saw countless rainbows, explored even further, came across some forest workers with chainsaws (there's an exciting job), and the electric company replacing massive power lines (so we can all enjoy the perks of electricity).

We started our adventure to rainbow-land a little later than usual but still ended up making good time.  We trekked about three miles in and three miles back out in a little under three hours.  We stopped a couple of times for breaks, picture taking, jumping, climbing trees, and rainbow chasing!  Sadly, no pot of gold discovered.  The trail was a little muddy from recent (and current rain while on the trail) rains but nothing we couldn't handle.

Manana is a peaceful trail that allows you to see wide views of the westside of O'ahu along with the beautiful and majestic Ko'olau Mountain range.  In fact, when I someday finish this trail, the end will be at the Ko'olau Summit.  Reviews and information on this trail range from it being a 6.8 mile trail to a 10.2 mile trail to a 12 mile loop with an elevation gain anywhere from 1420 feet to 2200 feet.  And this is where I get frustrated about researching hikes online.  The variance in information can make you crazy.  All I know is what I have experienced, and that is that this trail (just past the 2.5 mile marker) is fun.  You will get a workout in from the consistent up and down of the rolling hills.  You will probably have the trail to yourself, we only ever encounter people when we are heading back out, and it is still only a handful of fellow hikers.  You will hike on gravel, a road, a muddy, tree root forest, open plateaus, fields, ferns, lush and dense moss treed forests...this trail has it all.  Since the trail winds up and down and all around, the scenery changes, working hard at making you forget that you are working hard and climbing a mountain.

Regardless if the end of this trail is closer to the 7 mile end point or the 12 mile end point, I will need to accomplish the task of completing it on a weekend, there's just not enough time during the week to drop off the kiddos, hike entirely, and make it back in time to pick up the kids from school.  There is enough time (for me at my pace) to hike a portion of it (each time I inch closer to the end), enjoy the sweeping views, a cool rain shower, and some rainbows though.

Here's to Manana Ridge, a great trail to hang out on, explore central O'ahu, take in some wildflowers, a waterfall (so I've heard...or is that just Waimano Falls/Pool that shares a trailhead with this hike) and experience what is affectionately known as the Hawaiian Rollercoaster.

If you are feeling up for an adventure, I highly recommend experiencing Manana Trail for yourself...and maybe you can let me know exactly how long the trail is!


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