Na Ohia Falls

Na Ohia Falls, better known as Kalihi Ice Ponds, was a quick, wet, slightly muddy adventure to a three tiered waterfall not far from the sights and sounds of the city.  The Tuesday Trio (Marina, Sarah, and myself) set out for the Ice Ponds on a slightly overcast morning where a drizzle greeted us as we stepped out of our car and headed across the oldest wooden plank bridge towards the start of this *Officially Closed* trail.  Rumors of a gate guard and no trespassing signs did not deter us from our adventure agenda.

A quick search on Google can get you to where you need to be to begin this less than two mile journey into the lush forest in the back of Kalihi Valley.  Parking can be limited for this waterfall hike, but luckily we were early birds and there during the week, so we had no issues.  I had heard about this hike from a couple of other hiking friends...all of whom agreed the falls were very stunning in person.

The beginning of the trail requires some maneuvering around a fence and squeezing through a narrow bridge opening.  Once you get around these small "barriers" then the path is mostly a paved journey through a thick green rainforest setting.  You can hear cars passing along the Likelike Highway on one side of you and the sounds of Kalihi Stream flowing over rocks and under a paved bridge or two on your other side.

It's my understanding that the property belongs to the Board of Water Supply, so there are a couple of structures along the path---they have been nicely graffitied with cartoon characters, wolves, and one green eyed monster.  Aside from the old street art painted buildings, there is also a dilapidated car with remnants of past day drinking parties scattered about.  Just beyond the party car, the path starts to go slightly uphill and this is where there is a ton of low hanging, broken, electric wires on the ground, on the side of the path, wrapped around downed trees and tangled in broken tree limbs. It was a forest of wiring.  I'm no electrician, but it didn't seem like a great plan...we made sure to be extra careful and paid close attention to our footing so as not to get the shock of our lives.

Before reaching the end of the road, we veered to the right and off of the paved path and down a steep, muddy, root and rope filled trail to the falls.  This small portion of the trail was the best part of the hike, we were actually getting dirty and hiking, as opposed to navigating a wire filled road. I could hear the falls on our muddy descent and then I caught a glimpse of them through the trees and then we were there, at the bottom of the falls feeling their cool spray on our faces and feeling so happy that we made it to our destination without getting electrocuted!

It has been awhile since I've been to a falls on O'ahu that I was really excited about.  Na Ohia Falls did not disappoint and definitely lived up to all the oohing and ahhing I had heard from everyone else who has been.  I would definitely recommend throwing caution to the wind and trying this short hike to the falls.  The most dangerous thing about this trail was probably the downed electric lines.  Anyone in reasonable shape can accomplish this mostly flat trail.  Be prepared for mud, especially during the end section right before getting to the falls.  The climb down to the falls can be accomplished by novice hikers if you just watch your footing and take your time (shoes with great grip or even spikes are helpful...slippers might be challenging).

Once you are at the falls, it's play time.  Photos are a must.  Sticking your toes in the cool, "icy" water is a must.  Breathing in that cool, crisp, fresh air is a must.  Appreciating the beauty of this place is a must.  We were the only visitors to the falls on this particular morning.  We took advantage of enjoying this special spot and having it all to ourselves.  Goofy photo shoot, frolicking in the water, lounging on low tree branches, we couldn't get enough of these falls nestled at the back of a Kalihi neighborhood, not far from bustling Honolulu.

Kalihi Ice Ponds (Na Ohia Falls) was the perfect morning adventure with friends.  You get a little exercise in, a little mud stomping in, a little breathtaking waterfall in...all relatively close to home and with time to spare for other adventures throughout your day.  Until we meet again at the next waterfall...


Unknown said…
This hike is illegal. Hpd giving citations $500 -2500. Permanently closed and no access through Kalihi St.

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