Kalauao Falls Trail

When your hiking friend has a list of new hikes to check off her list, you do what you can to help out...

That is how I came to learn about a waterfall trail off of the main Aiea Loop Trail, in you guessed it, Aiea.  Aiea Loop Trail is not my friend.  It is a well known trail that most beginning hikers and hikers with kids enjoy going on because it is mostly flat and easy to navigate...except that it's not in my mind.  It is always ridiculously muddy, filled with fallen trees and branches, unleashed dogs, and the occasional break in/robbery.  I usually just think, ugh, I'd rather not.  So when I heard that my upcoming new trail adventure would be another loop trail off of the main Aiea Loop Trail...I definitely had my doubts.

But, a new trail is a new adventure, and I decided I was up for it...kinda.  April and I were prepared with directions, information to lead us to our trail off of a trail, bug spray, sunscreen, spikes, water, and phones for pictures...and calling Uber.

We found our trail pretty quickly and soon found ourselves making a root and mud filled decent down to the stream that our waterfall fed into.  I didn't really have too high of hopes that the waterfall would be flowing heavy, but wanted to explore this separate loop trail off of the main Aiea Loop.

No major snafus occurred en route to the waterfall.  There were multiple stream crossings...so many I lost count. We saw cool trees, fungi, rocks, and mini waterfalls.  It was an overall pleasant experience.  We were rather sweaty from the extra humidity that has been plaguing O'ahu lately, but we were managing.  But in the back of my mind, I was already dreading having to make the strenuous climb back up to the top and the main trail.

And then, after a couple of hours of hiking, we approached the waterfall.  It was beautiful!   A stunning sight in the middle of the forest.  A pool at the bottom, a spot to explore half way up the falls, and another at the top of the falls.  And thankfully we saw more than a trickle.  Our hard work had paid off!  We were all smiles.  We played around, took snap shots, and marveled at this hidden gem.  It had been awhile since I'd done a waterfall hike, and I forgot how awe inspiring they can be, even if they are little.

I was tempted to hop in the water for a swim but decided against doing the rest of the hike completely  soaking wet.  We hung out a little while longer since we had the place completely to ourselves.  I think we were both trying to put off heading back and having to make the miserable climb up the mountain to get back to the car.

We procrastinated as long as we could and finally headed past the waterfall to continue the loop...until we couldn't.  We lost the trail about five to ten minutes past the waterfall and made the executive decision to turn around and head back the way we had come.  We had seen the waterfall and didn't need to stress ourselves out with completing a loop (we'd been down that path before...see Haha'ione Loopiness Trail post).

The path back was fine until the uphill ascent began.  Then my legs decided they were done.  But the trail wasn't done.  I clawed my way up (literally).  I took breaks.  I drank water.  I thought of Keanu Reeves.  I did everything I could to push my way up that beast of a hill.  And then, we were at the top.  It was a hiking miracle.  We enjoyed a sweet, juicy clementine orange and thought...we still have more hiking to do!  And that's when I decided it was time to tap out. I half jokingly suggested we call an Uber.   We were yards away from another entrance to the trail (not by our car), so I offered up my throwing in the towel idea.  I didn't receive any resistance.  So, that's right, we bailed on part of the trail (we had seen what we came to see) and headed sweaty, muddy, and stinky into the townhouse complex nearest Aiea Loop Trail to patiently/excitedly await our Uber.  Money and time well spent!

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.  Sometimes you gotta know your limits.  Sometimes you gotta get in a brand new Uber covered in mud and hope for the best.  When our Uber driver arrived, she seemed surprised at our appearance.  We apologized, took our shoes off, and that was the best we could do.  She rolled down her window and tried not to breathe.  A ten minute ride up the hill deposited us quickly to our car where we could be free to be our hot, sweat and mud covered selves.
It had been a treacherous but good day.

I don't always skip out on part of the trail, but when I do, I do it with gusto!  Thank you Uber for saving my legs from more torment that day.  Thank you to the Uber driver who had no idea what she was in for when she started her shift that day.  Thank you April for always being up for my crazy hiking antics (or rather non-hiking antics).  Thank you Kalauao Falls for flowing beautifully for us.

I recommend this waterfall hike for those who are in for a tiring day.  I recommend this trail to those who like a challenge.  I recommend this trail to those who enjoy mud.  I recommend this trail to those who might be in training for... I dunno, something that requires climbing up a really big hill.  I recommend this trail to those who might need to take an Uber to get to their car...it sometimes needs to happen.

All Trails Description: Kalauao Falls Loop Trail is a 6.8 kilometer heavily trafficked loop trail located near Honolulu, O'ahu, Hawa'ii that features a waterfall and is rated as difficult.

Larisa's Translation: Kalauao Falls Loop Trail is a long, tireless, devoid of human contact loop trail located near Aiea that features mud, waterfall (if you are lucky) and requires taking an Uber back to your car.


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