52 New: #8 Eco Mindful Lei Po'o

My latest "new" activity was Lei making.  Although I have lived in Hawai'i for the better part of my life, I have not really made too many Leis.  I have purchased my fair share.  I have received my fair share.  I have admired my fair share.  Today, I was lucky enough to make my fair share...I  participated in a Lei Po'o workshop on the beach.  Lei Po'o or Lei for the head (Haku Lei, Flower Crown) is a beautiful art form (despite being able to find tutorials on YouTube or TikTok) it's still art.  I definitely did not master this art in one morning of fun, but I enjoyed the task of turning foraged local flowers (with a few non local additions) into a luxurious whimsical goddess crown.  The magic of Lei Po'o is that it transforms energy.  The maker and the wearer receive the Aloha that goes into making each unique piece.  

Saturday mornings are generally reserved for sleeping in, Netflix binges, long lazy bacon heavy breakfasts, and coffee.  Today I took my coffee to go, pressed pause on Netflix, saved the bacon for lunch later, picked up Jennah, and headed to Waikiki.  We were headed to our first (but hopefully not our last) Lei Po'o workshop.  Our workshop, by Eco Mindful Lei, was comfortable, casual, and all women.  It felt like we were on a Wellness Retreat.  Our Lei making instruction was from Gina (the owner of Eco Mindful Lei) and her wonderful assistant Jupiter (coolest name award winner).  

Two picnic tables, a cozy blanket with pillows, all the gorgeous flowers, Island music, an ocean breeze, ocean views, birds singing...I mean it was like a Disney movie with how perfect the atmosphere was this morning.  After brief introductions with our fellow Lei making students, Gina instructed us on the different components to the Lei itself.  She explained how each component worked along side each other to create individual masterpieces.  I wasn't too sure I would be able to create anything worthwhile in the beginning.  I'm not a florist.  I don't have a green thumb.  I'm not super creative.  I have weak hands.  The list of why my Lei wasn't going to be superb was growing and growing.  And then we all took long deep meditative breaths.  We took it all in.  We sighed it all out.  With our breaths we conjured up our intentions for the day.  And then we got down to the work and art of creating love with our hands.  

Two hours went by in a flash.  We laughed with one another.  We oohed and aahed each others Leis.  We were all given the same materials to work with and yet we each ended up with entirely different results.  Results that not one person was unhappy with.  It was smiles and Leis all around. 

I don't have anywhere festive to go in the coming days.  No celebrations.  No birthdays.  No graduations.  All the big events have either already happened or are a couple of months down the road.  So, I will wear my Lei Po'o I created with pride...around the house, driving in the car, in line for coffee, reading my book, watching t.v., making dinner, an evening walk.  I will wear it everywhere because there's no better feeling than the knowledge of having created something uniquely beautiful.  No better feeling than learning new skills.  No better feeling than cruising in the Hawaiian sunshine with friends new and old.  No better feeling than wearing that Lei Po'o for the next four days (or as long as it will last).  When you see me out and about in the coming days you may notice the extra pep in my step and the crown of orchids, roses, and ti leaf that I've decided go with every outfit.

I would highly recommend signing up to participate in a Lei making class.  You can learn more about the workshop I attended by going to the Eco Mindful Lei Po'o website.  I know you will not be disappointed.  Not only will you learn about the art of Lei Po'o, you will fall in love with nature, Hawai'i and her culture all over again.  

Our morning of making Lei Po'o was therapeutic, full of curiosity, love for nature, the earth, and the mindset of sustainability.  If any of those things speak to you, I know you will want to experience and share the spirit of Aloha flowing on the wind, breathed in the air, and enveloped in the scent of every flower we were lucky enough to include in our Lei Po'o.  We left the beach park literally wearing crowns of Aloha.  

                              "The earth laughs in flowers." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Details:

Eco-Mindful-Lei Po'o 

on the web: https://www.ecomindfullei.com

on your cell: (808) 426-8 L E I

on Insta: @eco_mindful_lei


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