52 New: Lucky #13: Tripler Ridge for Sunset (with New Friends)
Lucky number thirteen this week, another hike, but a new spot (for me) to watch the sunset...and with NEW friends. Double new. This week I hiked Tripler Ridge for sunset. It is a trail I have hiked a couple of times before, but this past Sunday was my first chance at hiking it for sunset. It did not disappoint. New thing number thirteen made me appreciate how lucky I am to live in Hawai'i. Tripler Ridge is located at the back of the Army Base that houses Tripler Army Medical Center (which also happens to be the hospital where I was born). A current military or military dependent I.D. is necessary for access to this trail...thank goodness my friend Jennah has just the I.D. needed. Lucky. This trail starts in the Moanalua/Salt Lake area of O'ahu and the entirety of the trail takes you to the summit of the Ko'olau Mountains providing a glorious view of Windward O'ahu. We only did a portion of th...