52 New: Lucky #13: Tripler Ridge for Sunset (with New Friends)

Lucky number thirteen this week, another hike, but a new spot (for me) to watch the sunset...and with NEW friends.  Double new.  This week I hiked Tripler Ridge for sunset.  It is a trail I have hiked a couple of times before, but this past Sunday was my first chance at hiking it for sunset.  It did not disappoint.  New thing number thirteen made me appreciate how lucky I am to live in Hawai'i.        

Tripler Ridge is located at the back of the Army Base that houses Tripler Army Medical Center (which also happens to be the hospital where I was born).  A current military or military dependent I.D. is necessary for access to this trail...thank goodness my friend Jennah has just the I.D. needed.  Lucky.  

This trail starts in the Moanalua/Salt Lake area of O'ahu and the entirety of the trail takes you to the summit of the Ko'olau Mountains providing a glorious view of Windward O'ahu.  We only did a portion of the trail (up to the eroded red dirt open area).  About two miles in was the lucky spot where we arrived just at the perfect time to take in a wonderful O'ahu sunset.  The colors were incredible. Lucky.   

Along for the ride this time around were myself, Jennah, and two of her friends visiting from the mainland.  Lucky them!  The four of us set out in the late afternoon sun up the steep paved path that is the start of Tripler Ridge.  The paved portion provides the guava lover an abundance of fruit to enjoy on the ascent.  Other sites along the road include a decorated Christmas tree.  From this point on the trail the views are far and wide---Diamond Head on one side and the Wai'anae Mountain range on the other.  There are views of the airport, the Sand Island port area, and Aliamanu Crater.  All of these views/distractions made for a pleasant walk up what is normally a tiring steep journey. Lucky.  

Quicker than usual we made it to the communications tower lookout spot, took a few photos and continued on.  Shortly there after we arrived at the crowd favorite part of the trail---the swing.  Here is where we spent the majority of our time taking photos, swinging, and enjoying the forest.  I love swings!  Lucky!

Once play time was over (we had a sunset to get to), we continued further down the trail to reach our designated sunset viewing spot.  As luck would have it, we had the spot all to ourselves.  We got to be amazed by the spring setting sun for a few minutes before turning around and heading back the way we came...we had to make it to the car in the fading light after all.  

The hike back during last light was enjoyable in a new way as we got to see the city coming to life---lights twinkling and glowing in the distance was an all new hiking experience since I usually spend most of my hikes during daylight hours.  It was like Christmas in May with all the sparkling from the buildings below.  We even lucked out and saw a few shimmering stars in the night sky.  Night hiking (on this portion of Tripler Ridge) was a luck filled event.  Truly #luckywelivehawaii

The Details:

Trail: Tripler Ridge

Length: 8.9 miles (for purposes of sunset viewing, we went about 2.25 miles in)

Elevation Gain: 2,621 feet

Type: Paved/Forest/Ridge

Access: Military Base access or ID needed

Supplies: Hiking shoes, water, flashlight (for sunset hikers), bag for guava collection, camera or phone (even though I forgot both in the car...thank you to Pam, Paula, and Jennah for taking and sharing your fun photos with me, I'm a lucky girl!)

                            "Luck is believing you are lucky." ~Tennessee Williams 


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