52 New: #25 The Rural Diaries

Twenty-five new things, and finally one of those new things is a book.  Throughout this process of involving myself in "new things", I have tried to incorporate "old things" with the "new".  I have been operating from an "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of mentality.  Reading is not a new thing or even a new love, but it has been on the back burner throughout this pandemic and my "new things" journey.  Just in time, I came across this book, this diary of sorts, and renewed my love for stories, story telling, and the extremely personal experience of reading for pleasure.  

This week, my "new thing" was diving into this short book that reads like a love letter.  The Rural Diaries by Hilarie Burton Morgan was this weeks fun and self reflective "new thing".  I read the book over the course of a couple of days...that were spread out over the course of a couple of weeks.  I was savoring the experience.  The writing style was one of my favorites...sarcastic humor mixed with detailed feelings on love, motherhood, life paths, and the great outdoors.  It was an added bonus that this sweet little book was written by a woman who played a strong female character on a teen drama I loved watching and re-watching, One Tree Hill.  

The Rural Diaries was an inside look at the journey Hilarie made from successful Hollywood actress to farmer, gardener, candy shop owner, cabin renovator, mom, activist, philanthropist, and wife.  It was a fascinating read about self discovery with favorite home recipes sprinkled in.  After reading Hilarie's book, I now have the information necessary to make homemade Witches Brew, Manure (that ever important garden necessity), Fresh-Packed Dill Pickles, Quick Pickles, Rhubarb Preserves, Kolenbrander Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam, Vegetarian Zucchini Fritter Benedict, Dandelion Wine (thanks Ray Bradbury), Sweet Hot Corn Cake, Magic Potion, coffee, and telling stories.  

The book is broken up into three parts: Plant, Grow, and Harvest.  Each section focused on how these themes manifested themselves in her life and on the farm lovingly known as Mischief Farm, where her and her family live in Rhinebeck, New York.  

If you ever wondered if you could pack it all up and switch gears in a completely new direction, this is the inspiring "how to" book to jumpstart that adventure.  Yes, as a famous acting couple, the author and her (now) husband might have the advantage of increased/extra funds, but by reading her account of all the ups and downs of their journey to owning and living on a farm, I learned that hard work, partnership, and pure will and determination are just as important (if not more) than just financial means.  

I love these kinds of books that unlock the dreamer in people.  This book captured so many things that I myself have given thought to.  It was fascinating to read about the how, the dredge work, the wins (and the failures) of trying on a whole new life, discovering a whole new community, and foraging connections and friendships with a new outlook.  Hilarie is my new favorite.  

I can't spoil all the details of the book, I want others to pick it up and find out for themselves, but there is romance, there is hardship, there is death, there is birth, there is DIY home renovation, there is farming, there is chocolate, there is coffee, there are eggs, there is wine,  holidays, CHRISTMAS, and lessons.  I was never bored.  I was only ever curious for more.  Waiting for the sequel...

My current life doesn't look too much like life at Mischief Farm , but I do hope to emulate some of the values of Mischief Farm life---being kind, being smart, being hands on, being a good friend, being a part of my community.  

I'm using this book as a guide for the continuation of this "new things" journey.  I want to be mindful of what I plant, grow, and harvest in my "new things" adventure and in my life.  

The Details:

What: The Rural Diaries: Love, Livestock, and Big Life Lessons Down on Mischief Farm 

Who: Hilarie Burton Morgan, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Augustus Morgan, and George Virginia Morgan. 

Where: I picked up a soft cover copy at my local Target.

Cost: $16.99

On the Web: themischieffarm.com

On Insta: @themischieffarm @hilarieburton @jeffreydeanmorgan

"You have to have fun in the failures, especially when you're reinventing yourself and trying new things.  Your failures become your most memorable stories." 
~Hilarie Burton Morgan


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