52 New: #26 We Can Do Hard Things Podcast

Last week I was gleaning sage words of wisdom from the "new thing" I blogged about, a new book (see previous post). This week, more sage words of wisdom, but from a different and "new" source, a Podcast.  For my halfway point on this "new things" journey, my twenty-sixth "new thing" is author and speaker Glennon Doyle's (and sister) Podcast called "We Can Do Hard Things".  

Podcasts are like talk radio I guess.  It is the (most times) soothing sound of a voice of reason or humor or murder (most of the other podcasts I listen to are on that morbid subject) right in your ear, ready for when you go on a walk, a jog (rarely), a solo hike, sitting on the beach watching your kid surf, doing housework, or driving to work.  

Like most things that I do, I can become obsessed rapidly.  I dive in...deep.  I listen to a variety of Podcasts on both the Apple Podcast App and through Spotify.  The beauty of Podcasts are that they are free and there is a Podcast for EVERY topic you could think of (I listen to several Keanu Reeves Podcasts).

During this anxiety ridden year or more of the pandemic, tuning into my favorite Podcasts has been a life-saver.  Podcasts became a trusted friend, a go to, an escape, and a carrier of knowledge.  

So, here I am again, with a "new thing" that is both new and not new all at the same time.  Podcasts, not new.  This particular Podcast, new!  I came across the "We Can Do Hard Things" Podcast via Instagram.  I follow Glennon Doyle on Instagram because I read two of her books.  The first book I read entitled "Love Warrior" was an instant hit with me.  The second book I read by her was entitled "Untamed", also a hit.  Her writing style and honesty resonated with me and when I learned I could listen to her via her new Podcast, I was in.  

There are currently fifteen episodes (and a trailer) in the "We Can Do Hard Things" Podcast.  The subject matter?  You guessed it...hard things.  Part advice, part sharing personal experiences, part therapy, part self-help, part humorous/relatable anecdotes, this Podcast hits topics that most folks can relate to.  We all have hard things.  Listening to how Glennon Doyle navigates through her "hard things" is fascinating and a welcome change from the murder Podcasts. 

I would recommend this Podcast to anyone seeking alternative perspectives from the mainstream.  You may not always agree with the opinions of Glennon Doyle, but you can't deny her passion, wit, and charm.  The Podcast format is basically a conversation each week between Glennon and her sister.  Each week there is usually another guest who will appear based on the topic for the week.  After a lengthy (one hour-ish) discussion on said topic, Glennon and her sister will take listener questions and try to tackle them based on their personal experiences.  They are not official therapists.  They are two women, sisters, who have a whole lot of life experience between them, and have found a communication style that really works in terms of sharing how to make yourself the best version of you possible.  I'm always in for that.  

This weeks "new thing" wasn't an epic adventure, but it has been an epic way to learn more about myself and my relationships with others.  "New" perspectives, "new" ideas on old topics, "new" tools to enhance my life---this new Podcast, was just the "new thing" I needed.  

The Details:

What: We Can Do Hard Things Podcast

When: New episodes drop weekly

Where: Apple Podcasts App

Seasons: One

Rated: Clean (meaning you can listen with your kids)

Episode Topics Guide:

1. Anxiety
2. Boundaries
3. Infidelity
4. Fun
5. Addiction
6. Overwhelm
7. Fighting Well
8. Self Care
9. Queer Freedom
10. Our Bodies
11. Redefining Family
12. Parenting

Cost: Free

Companions to the Podcast: Books by Glennon Doyle: Carry On Warrior, Love Warrior, Untamed

On the Web: www.momastery.com

On Insta: @glennondoyle

"Here's my hunch: nobody's secure, and nobody feels like she completely belongs.  Those insecurities are just job hazards of being human.  But some people dance anyway, and those people have more fun."  ~Glennon Doyle 


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