52 New: #29 Mudwtr: New Morning Ritual


I'm creeping up on thirty "new things" for this year.  This week, I started a new morning ritual, courtesy of a new drink I'm trying made by a company called Mudwtr (no, that's not a typo).  Number twenty-nine on my "new things" list, is a new take on my morning coffee routine.  

I love coffee.  I love drinking it in the morning during the quiet before everyone in my house starts to rustle and wake and bombard.  It has been a happy routine for most of my adult life.  The smell of the brewing.  The sound of the percolating.  The anticipation of the pour.  The warmth as your favorite blend fills you with that coffee euphoria.  It's scientific.  Your morning cup of Joe literally mimics a dopamine rush.  So why would I ever want to change that?   

For all the goodness of coffee, she also has her negative qualities---addictive, expensive, a crash, a jittery vibe.  So, when Gabe and I came across this "new take on coffee" called Mudwtr, we were intrigued.  I first learned about it when I was half heartedly watching a VLOG (what all the young kids are into I guess) from one of the surfers Gabe follows on YouTube.  I was half listening, half reading my book when I happened to look up and see (what I thought was) coffee on the screen.  What's this?  Turns out it wasn't traditional coffee, it was Mudwtr.  Now, I was going down an Instagram/Google rabbit hole...and then I came across the sleekest, hippest, too cool for me website.  Before I knew it their incredible marketing (or seemingly lack there of) had me putting my credit card number in.  I wanted all the perks this Mudwtr had to offer.  

My starter kit arrived a couple of days ago and Gabe and I have both been enjoying our new non-coffee morning ritual.  The kit included thirty servings of Mudwtr, coconut milk/MCT oil creamer, a USB rechargeable frother, funny stickers, and a guidebook---all packaged in their signature sleek black and white coolness.  

The three differences between Mudwtr and traditional coffee are taste, texture, and ingredients.  There are six additional healthy components to the Mudwtr: Lionsmane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Chaga, Turmeric, and Cacao.  Each of these ingredients serves a particular purpose in enhancing that morning cup ritual.  The four mushrooms help with mental and physical performance/recovery and overall health and immunity.  The last two items help with inflammation and mood.  You can't go wrong with these positive attributes with the first thing you drink every day.  While I'm no high performing athlete by any stretch of the imagination, I do like to practice yoga (almost) daily and hike or walk regularly when time allows.  If my morning kick start can help with the things I'm already doing and loving, then why not?  

The Details:

What: Healthy Coffee Replacement (contains adaptogenic mushrooms)

Who: Mudwtr 

When: every morning shortly after waking up

Where: from my favorite Keanu Reeves coffee mug in the comfort of my jammies in my living room

Cost: $60 for a one time Starter Kit or $40 for auto-ship every thirty days

Included in the Kit: 

30 servings of Mudwtr

USB rechargeable frother


Creamer sample


On the Web: www.mudwtr.com

On Insta: @drinkmudwtr

While I am only a few days into my "new morning ritual", I have loved the taste of this coffee alternative.  I'm not swearing off coffee, but I love knowing there is something with a little extra goodness for me out there.  Balance.  I'm hoping this new twist to my routine will help cover my bases for those days when I go off the rails and insist on a Pumpkin Spice Latte from the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru.  If I drink enough "magic mushroom" coffee alternative drink, then maybe I won't feel so guilty the next time I indulge in a sugar coma coffee beverage.  We'll see, I'm a work in progress.  

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect." ~Mark Twain


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