52 New: #42 Lanipo at Sunset

Only ten more "new things" to check off of my fifty-two new things resolution.  This past week I checked off item number forty-two with a new spot to see the sunset.  A new spot to watch the sunset has been on my list and this particular sunset was made better with the addition of a hike and the most incredible rainbows.  

My friend April was my sunset hike adventure buddy.  She agreed to check out a new sunset hike location with me despite already having done a sunrise hike with another friend earlier in the day---thanks for going the extra mile for me April!  After an early wake up call for both me and April (her for a sunrise hike and me for a days harvest at the lettuce farm), we both had it in our minds to cancel our sunset hiking plans.  Luckily we pushed through.  If we hadn't gone, we would have missed an incredible show from Mother Nature.  

I picked April up at four in the afternoon in order to allow an hour to arrive at our destination (afternoon traffic) and an hour to hike to our desired sunset viewing point.  About a mile in on this trail there is a memorial bench on the top of a hill that we agreed would make the perfect spot to view what we hoped would be an epic sunset.  I have hiked along this trail in town before, but always as an early morning to mid-day adventure.  The part of this trail that I have covered before is generally not too difficult, there is some rock scrambling, some hills, and often times there is a strong whipping wind.  Since the bench was only a mile or so in, I felt like walking back a mile in the dark after sunset wouldn't be too bad.  

As soon as we set foot on the trail, we were greeted with the most glorious rainbow.  This new spot for a sunset hike was already proving to be a great choice!  The rainbow followed us the entire way to our sunset viewing bench.  Despite my slow pace (I haven't been hiking as often as usual lately.), we made it with plenty of time to spare, wipe the sweat, catch our breath, and of course---take pictures!  

We were in complete awe of the rainbow turned double rainbow that was delighting our eyes as we sat at the bench waiting for what was supposed to be the star attraction---the sunset.  The rainbow gods had other ideas.  As we tried to take pictures of the rainbow from every possible angle, we realized the official sunset time was fast approaching, so we turned our attentions towards the ocean and what ended up being a less than stellar sunset.  There were some pretty pinks and oranges, but big clouds had rolled in obscuring a perfect sunset view.  

While the main goal of this "new thing" was to experience a sunset from a new location, it was still a wonderfully new experience---we got to see two large long lasting rainbows for the duration of our hike.  We traded one new experience for another.  I'm definitely up for hiking Lanipo again (for sunset or whenever).  Mother Nature's marketing team was working overtime this past week.  Now I know what special tricks this trail has up its sleeve and I'm hungry to see more.

The Details:

Who: My friend April and I (and the five other people we saw along the trail).  Any moderate level hiker interested in catching the sunset.

What: An easy to moderate two mile roundtrip ridge hike that includes some incline both ways with some parts of the trail being large rocks/boulders to climb over and around.

When: April and I started an hour before sunset but this trail can be accessed at any time (although I wouldn't recommend going at night after sunset).

Where: Up the hill from the historic Kaimuki neighborhood towards the East side of the island on Maunalani Circle, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816. 

Why: Who doesn't want to experience sunset on O'ahu on top of a mountain?

How: We drove ourselves to the trailhead but The Bus also goes up towards the trailhead.  Or Uber/Lift can drop you off at the trailhead at the back of the neighborhood---please always be respectful of the neighbors.

Length: We did two miles roundtrip but you can hike up to seven plus miles along this trail...maybe not at sunset though.

Cost: Free!

On Insta: Check out the hashtags #lanipo #lanipotrail #majorstrails2021 

More Info: AllTrails App

                "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." ~Maya Angelou


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