52 New: #50 New Keanu: The Matrix Resurrections

res ur rec tion


the action or fact of resurrecting or being resurrected.

an instance of coming back into use or importance.  the act of rising again to life.

I made it to the fifties.  I have read a "new to me" book, I have listened to a "new to me" podcast, and now I have watched a "new movie".  My fiftieth "new thing" was watching (and enjoying and being confounded once again) the latest installment of The Matrix.  What was once a trilogy, now has a fourth movie.  The Matrix Resurrections, the fourth (but I'm guessing not final) movie stars my beloved Keanu Reeves.  He is back again (resurrected) as hacker/computer programmer Thomas Anderson/Neo. 

When I first took on the task of trying "52 New Things", I didn't look at it as a rebirth or resurrection.  I looked at it as a fun challenge and a chance to get back to journaling memories for posterity.  It has definitely been that, but it has also been transformative.  It has unintentionally turned into an introspective journey.  It has turned into a mini metamorphosis.  It has become my very own matrix.

ma trix


an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure.

"free choices become the matrix of human life."

I have experienced my own rise to life, something has developed.  Each experience, big or small, has sparked new ways of thinking.  Each experience has been new in action, new in feeling, new in thought, new in intention.

It is especially fitting that the "new movie" and "new thing" number fifty is The Matrix Resurrections.  The entirety of the movie revolves around rebirth, rising again, resurrecting.  I can't think of a better "new movie" to contemplate on this "new thing" journey.  

If you are familiar with the plot of The Matrix, you too may have felt inspired by the themes of reality and truth, the ideas of free will and fate.  I like to think we are all on a journey of truth in our lives, all at varying points along that path, but all striving for it, nonetheless.  Like other stories where the protagonist must decipher between good and evil, light and dark, the road less traveled and so on...The Matrix Resurrections (and the three movies before it) make us look within and contemplate our choices (or lack thereof).  Like Thomas Anderson/Neo, we all have our internal red pill/blue pill dilemmas to overcome in life.  

I watched the latest Matrix from the comfort of my home (one thing I can happily thank the Pandemic for).  Yes, this movie is available to watch on the big screen, in a movie theater near you, but watching in my Christmas PJs with my family, able to take bathroom and snack breaks without missing a second of the movie, well, I really enjoyed this new 2021 way of movie watching.  

I don't want to spoil any parts of this new movie, but if you are at all intrigued by the previous movies in The Matrix saga, I would recommend sitting down to watch this newest installment (or make it a Matrix-athon and watch the first three in addition to Resurrections).  You won't be disappointed by Keanu Reeves (or the movie, but mostly Keanu).  The Matrix Resurrections has humor, action, adventure, technology, fashion, cats, big ideas, a love story, closure and more theories to dive into from the previous movies.  I love the artistic take on the many layers of social commentary present throughout all of the films.  Watching Resurrections brought me back to 1999 (when the first movie came out) and back through the 2000s and present day.  The film was a heartfelt journey through the past and updated with new twists for the modern viewer.  There were surprise characters, revelations about old characters, and a deja-vu vibe that kept me interested from start to finish.  While this new movie is not my favorite of The Matrix films (that spot is reserved for the original, first film), I was happy that the movie and characters were resurrected.  It's nice to circle back to characters I thought I was finished with.  This movie proved that some things are never done.  Sometimes I need that reminder.  We all need what this movie reminds us---love is the most powerful feeling, thought, action.  For resurrecting that message alone, I love this movie.   

The Details:

Who: Fans of Keanu Reeves (that's me!).  Anyone interested in having their mind blown.  Some themes and action may be too much for younger viewers.  My entire family watched the movie, and we range in age from ten to forty-five.  We all took something different away from the movie (some were not as big of fans of the newest movie as I was).

What: The Matrix Resurrections movie. The fourth movie in a saga previously known as The Matrix trilogy.  

When: Released for home premiere on December 22, 2021.

Where: Streaming via HBO Max (if you subscribe through cable) or movie theaters nationwide.

Why: To see what happened to the characters Neo (Keanu Reeves) and Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss).

Genre: Action, Science Fiction, KEANU

Rating: R for violence and language.

Running Time: 2 hours, 28 minutes.  

Director: Lana Wachowski

Cast: Keanu Reeves 💕, Carrie-Anne Moss, Priyanka Chopra, Jessica Henwick, Yahy Abdul-Mateen II, Jonathan Groff, Neil Patrick Harris

Favorite Quote: "Did you know that hope and despair are nearly identical in code?"

Music: "One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small, and the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all." ~White Rabbit, Jefferson Airplane

Would I Do it Again: Yes.  I can watch a Keanu movie millions of times, but especially any Matrix iteration.

Is it Weird: Yes.  But don't let that stop you.  I choose weird.

On the Internet: whatisthematrix.com

"Why? Why do you persist?" ~Agent Smith
"Because I CHOOSE to." ~Neo


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