52 New: #51 New Butterfly Tattoo, #52 New Epic Memories

Butterflies are not only beautiful, but also have mystery, symbolism, and meaning and are a metaphor representing spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, hope and life.

source: gardenswithwings.com

It is the last day of the last week of the last month of 2021! I made it through an entire year of trying "new things".  I made a goal of trying fifty-two new things and Blogging about my experience.  I think I accomplished my goal.  I actually tried more than fifty-two new things.  Some things didn't make the cut for the Blog, but that's okay.  I am relieved that I am done with my goal and sad to leave it behind at the same time.  I started 2021 with a sunrise hike on a trail I had never done for sunrise before and ended the year with getting a new tattoo and accompanying Gabe for his very first tattoo.  In between sunrise and tattoo, I tried Dom Perignon for the first time, I went horseback riding as an adult, I went Ziplining, I contemplated adopting a cat, I read Christmas books to shelter cats, I explored new to me hiking trails, I tried new food, I listened to new podcasts, listened to new music, read new books, watched new shows, said "yes" to new things, worked at a Lettuce Farm, Homeschooled my fourth grader, I turned forty-five, my firstborn graduated high school and turned eighteen.  I celebrated my grandmother turning eighty-five while my youngest son turned ten.  I celebrated twenty-one years of marriage.  I lived through unprecedented Pandemic times.  Obviously so many new life experiences can unfold in the course of any year, but this past year I made sure to be mindful of all that was new in my life and how new experiences affected me.

Since it was a year filled with so many fun new adventures, I knew I wanted to end the year with something to commemorate the journey.  A new tattoo.  I had two ideas of things I might want to get.  I wanted a quote but was having a hard time deciding where to place it.  I also wanted to get a bullet with butterfly wings.  The more I thought about the past year, I realized that the butterfly was the perfect symbol to commemorate 2021.  The butterfly embodies change and growth and the idea that life is short.  What better way for me to remember my year of change and growth and to remind myself to be in the present moment.  

The twist for the typical butterfly would be to have the body of the butterfly be a bullet.  Without getting too melancholy, I will just mention here that my mom passed away due to a bullet when I was eight years old.  I don't talk too much about it, but I wanted my latest tattoo to not only incorporate this past year, but to also be a symbol to honor my mom.  Now, every time I look down at my arm, I have an added visual reminder that she is always by my side.  

What made getting my commemorative and memorial tattoo extra special was that I got to get it with Gabe.  Although Gabe didn't Blog about it or intentionally set out to do 52 New Things this year like I did, he definitely experienced change and growth, and sharing this tattoo experience was the perfect way to express it.  I can't imagine having to go through my Senior year of High School and then my freshman year of college during an ever changing, scary, and demoralizing Pandemic.  He did.  And he blossomed, like the rose he now proudly wears on his forearm.  I know tattoos aren't for everyone, but I really see them as art and memory captures, like a photograph or journal, but more artistic and beautiful. 

Going with someone to get a tattoo is such a unique experience.  Tattoos expose a vulnerable side of both the tattoo artist and the person receiving the tattoo.  It was an unexpected additional gift to be able to be there when Gabe got his first tattoo.  I got to see him research, get excited, and plan the experience.  He contacted, made the appointment, and paid for his own tattoo.  I saw him take on a real-world adult experience from start to finish.  It gave me great satisfaction. 

So, while this last new experience could technically be counted as one new experience, I am giving it the weight and count of two new experiences.  It was a new tattoo for me.  It was a new tattoo artist and shop for me.  It was a new shared adventure for me and Gabe.  It was a new experience from start to finish for Gabe.  It was new for me to witness my first born take on choosing to permanently ink his body.  It was new to bond with Gabe while enhancing the bond between my mom and me.  It is a new way to cherish the moment.  A new way to honor.  A new way to hold dear.  A new way to express love. New memories that were made.

As this official journey comes to an end, I know that new things will continue to present themselves in my life.  As long as I am mindful and appreciative, new won't have to be scary.  Change can be good. Growth can be beautiful.  And if I forget, I can just look down at my arm for a reminder.

The Details:

Who: Gabe and I (or anyone eighteen and older who wants to get a tattoo).

What: Tattoos to commemorate this past year and to honor my mother who passed away when I was a child.

Where: Lilium Tattoo Hawaii in Chinatown

925 Maunakea St #F Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

(808) 200-4381

Open Tuesday-Friday Noon-8:00 p.m.

Why: Tattoos are fun, inspiring, bonding, memory building, and a great way to showcase aspects of your personality in a creative way.

How: Make an online appointment with the artist and/or shop you are interested in working with.

On Insta: @liliumtattoohawaii, @toni_beat

On the Internet: www.tonibeat.com

Would I Do It Again: YES.  It was such a special experience.  Even though it is uncomfortable and at times painful, like life, something beautiful can emerge from the pain.

Thank You: My appreciation is sincere and heartfelt.  There were so many people that made the year of "52 New Things" come to life and my experiences richer.  From my friends willing to hike new trails, share new sunset spots, discuss new life philosophies, practice new meditation rituals, quietly supporting my new whims to my family listening to me plan and contemplate and worry.  No form of support in this journey went unnoticed.  But special appreciation for the final new thing goes to the tattoo artist who was such a pleasure----Antonio Brennan, forever grateful that you brought compassion, artistry, and your passion for tattooing to life on both my butterfly and Gabe's rose.  

🦋🌹 For our family, these two symbols will forever be the symbols of metamorphosis.

"Memory is satisfied desire." ~Carlos Fuentes, The Death of Artemio Cruz


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