Dirty Dozen Challenge: Accomplishing an Awful Trail with April

My second long hike in my "Dirty Dozen" challenge was completed at the end of February.  I realize it is now April.  I'm a little late on blogging about it.  I theorize my procrastination in blogging had everything to do with---I don't want to think about this trail ever again.  The hiking company, wonderful.  My backpack, perfect.  Water supply, more than enough.  The trail...ugh.  That's as good as my description is going to get.  My face in the photo above sums things up for all you visual learners out there.    

I have hiked a portion of Maunawili Demo Trail at the base of the Ko'olau Mountains on several occasions.  I have hiked in from the Waimanalo trailhead a couple of miles.  I have hiked in from the Kailua (off of the Pali Highway) trailhead a couple of miles.  I was familiar with the beginning and the ending miles of the Maunawili Demonstration Trail.  However, I was quite unfamiliar with...the middle.  Although not always, but like most things in the middle (child, lane on the freeway, the day), the middle portion of the trail was trending towards difficult, boring, and on the verge of a tantrum. 

I have been wanting to complete the entirety of this trail for quite some time.  It has been taunting me, did not complete, did not complete.  2022 is the year I can finally say, I have hiked Maunawili Demonstration Trail from start to finish and all of the uninspired miserable middle in between.  

They say misery loves company, and I guess my companion in misery for this ten and a half miles of  monotony was one of my hiking companions, April.  As I mentioned, she was as upbeat and pleasant as one can be for trudging over and under countless downed trees, across mini streambeds with rocks, through mud and thorny plants, and around bend after bend in the trail that felt never ending.  

There were a few great views, but after the first couple of miles, everything along the trail began to look the same.  A look at our AllTrails progress map was unmotivating...it was like a never ending task, a mound of "to do" paperwork on your desk that no matter how many hours you spend on it, the end is never in sight.  

Obviously we did finally finish the trail.  By days end we hiked ten and a half miles and over twenty-four thousand steps.  It was a long and zig zagging trail for sure.  During our five plus hours of hiking we encountered several runners (probably the smarter way to go, you can finish the misery faster), a couple of dogs (mostly wondering why their owners would subject them to such boredom), birds, pig trails, fungi, mountain views, Olomana views, and a couple of humility checks when I fell down hard, tore my hiking pants, but did not injure myself, save my pride.  

The Details:

Physical Challenge: Hiking for ten plus miles under the cover of Hawaiian Rainforest humidity, bugs, and uneven terrain for at least five hours.

Trail: Maunawili Demonstration Trail (Pali Hairpin Turn entrance to Waimanalo end point)

Mileage: 10.5 miles

Steps: 24,403

Blisters: None

Bruises: One

Damaged Clothing: One pair of Nike Leggings

Adventure Buddy: @hikergirlhawaii

Wildlife: dogs, evidence of pigs, birds

Parking: We staged two cars.  One car was parked at the Waimanalo trailhead and the other car was parked at the Pali Highway trailhead.

Cost: Free

Suggested Supplies: the ability to endure repetitive/mundane scenery, patience, water, lunch, bug repellent, camera.

Lessons Learned: I don't enjoy the Maunawili Demonstration Trail.  

Theme Song: "I Wanna Be Sedated" by The Ramones 

Books (to keep me inspired): Everything is Trash, But It's Okay by Phoebe Robinson

Post Adventure Reward: ordered the sunrise espresso and some sort of sugar stuffed strawberry yumminess croissant from Cafe Kopi in Kailua.

At this point, if you have read this far, it's no surprise to learn that I never need to hike this trail again.  I don't regret tackling this ten mile trail.  I just know it doesn't need repeating. I still feel lucky to be able to hike O'ahu trails and explore the majestic mountains all around.  This particular trail just wasn't a favorite.  I'm sure it is on someone's top ten list of O'ahu hikes.  If you are that person, I know that we do not have potential as compatible hiking buddies.  Even unenjoyable hikes are good for the body, mind, and soul.  Checking this trail off of my list was a great feeling.  I completed Maunawili Demo Trail and realized I can do tedious things.  I can accomplish goals.  I am still learning things about myself.  I can hike lame trails and survive.  

                        "Say it with me: Dumpster. Fire." ~Phoebe Robinson


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