Dirty Dozen Challenge: Popping Pillboxes

Month four of my Dirty Dozen Challenge and I ended up doing another hike.  For the month of April I summoned three of my funniest hiking partners for a sunrise to sunset day of hiking.  I decided it might be fun to hike several consecutive Pillbox trails.  Popping Pillboxes!  We popped from one Pillbox Trail to another all day and ultimately ended up hiking five different Pillbox Trails.  

The day started bright and early with a sunrise Pillbox hike.  I was up and out of the house a little after four in the morning, picked up two of the three other hikers and we were on our way to the windward side to "Pop" our first Pillbox---Lanikai.  The parking gods granted us a great parking spot and we waited at the trailhead for the fourth member of our group to arrive.  

I hadn't really been hiking too much since my last Dirty Dozen Challenge at the end of February so I immediately felt the burn in my calves and breathless as we quickly ascended toward the first of two Pillboxes along this trail.  

Lanikai is popular among tourists and sunrise lovers so we were not alone in the morning twilight.  In order to avoid the crowd, we found a pleasantly windy spot just bellow the main Pillbox.  We settled in for a spectacular sunrise, but sadly we were only granted a semi-okay sunrise.  Still a sunrise---morning magic.  What the sunrise lacked in brilliant colors was made up for by a cute mini rainbow behind us and the splish splash of whale spouts just past the Mokes in the distance.  

The early hour, a lack of sleep the night before, and zero coffee consumed made for a punch drunk vibe that quickly became contagious and the theme for the day.  We captured every laugh, snort, fall, deep belly chortle on each of our camera phones. 

With our first hike successfully completed, we decided to refuel for the remaining Pillbox Party.  We threw caution to the wind and found ourselves at the Kailua McDonalds where breakfast sandwiches, orange juice, and hash browns gave us the boost we needed to pop in the car and head to hike number two: Kahekili.  

The drive to Kahekili provided our legs a little respite and some time for those McMuffin, McBiscuit, and McDonuts to McDigest.  

By the time we reached the trailhead to Kahekili, the sun was up, the breeze was hiding, and the mugginess of O'ahu was hitting us hard.  We had this trail to ourselves on the way up to the first lookout and then as we headed to the Pillbox, we encountered a couple.  Not bad as compared to Lanikai.  

Kahekili is a favorite for a quick burst of cardio.  Lanikai must have warmed me up, I felt better on this trail.  Or maybe it was McEnergy.  Looking back on the day now, I think this second hike was everyone's favorite.  The view didn't disappoint, it wasn't super early, it wasn't at the end when we were exhausted, it was the Goldilocks trail---just right.  

On our way back to the car after successfully Popping that Pillbox at Kahekili, we saw a bunch of kids enjoying a country Easter Egg Hunt.  It was the perfect endcap to our second successful hike of the day.

Around the corner from Kahekili was the third hike of the day---Crouching Lion Pillbox.  Our third trail was the shortest of the trails we completed.  The third Pillbox trail was unique because it has an official/unofficial name: The Lions Den.  Also, this is where we encountered a hiker wearing a Panda Bear head and a large Tiger back pack.  The Lion Den attracts all types of animals.  The Lions Den acted as the Picture taking Pillbox.  Maybe we were just trying to prolong the time between having to hike another trail.  At any rate, The Lions Den had gorgeous views, more laughs, and several attempts at jump photos.  

Three trails down, and two more to go.  Our fourth Pillbox Trail---the Lost Trails at Turtle Bay.  This trail was hot as it was the least shady trail of the day and it is along the beach.  But at least it was the flat trail of the day.  After three steep incline trails in a row, the sand and sounds of the waves crashing along the rocks at Kawela Bay were soothing.  

This trail got us thirsty.  We needed something to drink.  After hanging out at the Pillbox on this fourth trail of the day, we decided we had earned the famous Bacon Basil Bloody Mary from the poolside bar at Turtle Bay Resort.  Will hike for bacon...and Bloody Mary's.

At this point in the day (it was barely noon), we felt as if we had been hiking for days.  We were at a new level of slap happy.  After an outfit change by Fall (the rest of us maintained our hiker chic vibe), we arrived at the Pool Bar ready for lunch in a glass.  I can't recommend this Bloody Mary enough.  It's the type of beverage that transcends alcohol boundaries.  People who only love sweet alcoholic drinks love this Bloody Mary.  People who don't really drink alcohol love this Bloody Mary.  People who only drink beer or only drink wine, love this Bloody Mary.  It is the great alcohol/bacon equalizer.  

After watching the surfers, each other get sunburned, and kids on vacation run around the pool, we begrudgingly headed to the parking lot where we had one more trail to get to in our Popping Pillbox series.  It was at this point that we also lost a member of the crew.  Fall stayed behind and enjoyed the perks of the resort life while Marina, Jennah, and I continued around the Northshore, headed to Ehukai Pillboxes for our grand finale.  

The fifth and final Pillbox Hike of the day took us over twice the amount of time that it would take under normal circumstances.  McEnergy had long since been tapped.  Mid-day Bloody Mary was causing a late afternoon lethargy.  And of course, I'm part of the "advanced hiking age group".  It took all my will power to make it up one of my least favorite trails on a good day.  But here I was.  Here we were.  Marina, Jennah, and I.  The trio.  On our fifth consecutive Pillbox hike of the day.  Up since before the crack of dawn. 

You might be crazy if...

You hike Pillbox Trail after Pillbox Trail after Pillbox Trail and sprinkle McDonalds and Bacon Basil Bloody Mary's in between.  Crazy, but fun.  It was one of the most laugh filled days I've had in a long time.  Everything was funny.  From photo shoot shenanigans to a triple simultaneous fall as we came down Kahekili (everyone is fine).  I realized it wasn't so much the Popping Pillboxes that made the day, but the comradery we shared throughout the day.  It didn't matter if we hiked slow.  It didn't matter if we were out of breath.  It didn't matter if our knees were starting to hurt.  It didn't matter if our hair got caught on a bush.  We looked out for each other, laughed at and with each other, and that is what will keep this day fresh in my memories for a long, long time.  

The Details:

Physical Challenge: Hiking five consecutive trails in one day, starting at sunrise.


1. Lanikai Pillbox Trail

2. Kahekili Pillbox Trail

3. Crouching Lion Pillbox Trail

4. The Lost Pillbox Trail at Turtle Bay

5. Ehukai Pillbox Trail

Mileage: 7.1 miles

Steps: 16, 952

Blisters: 0

Adventure Buddies: Fall, Jennah, Marina

Wildlife: Butterflies, Birds, Mongoose, Cows, Albatross, Inch Worm, Roach, Panda, White Tiger, Lion, Cats, Dogs, Whales, Chickens, Influencers in the Wild.

Parking: Free at each of the five Pillbox Trails.

Cost: The price of a McDonalds Breakfast Sandwich Meal, and one phenomenal Bloody Mary at Turtle Bay.

Suggested Supplies: Camera, water, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, summit beverage, change of shirt (or outfit), money and ID for Bloody Mary pitstop.

Lessons Learned: I love a small group hiking scenario.  I don't feel one ounce of guilt for eating McDonalds when I'm gonna be out and about hiking all day.  Even a crappy sunrise is beautiful.  A Bloody Mary is an anytime, anywhere, anybody drink.  

Theme Song: Bloody Mary Morning by Willie Nelson

Book Inspiration: Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown

Adventure Eats: McDonalds in Kailua and Pool Bar at Turtle Bay.

"...good friends aren't afraid of your light.  They never blow out your flame and you don't blow out theirs..." ~Brene Brown


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