January Goal: 30 Hikes, 30 Days…

Hello 2023! It’s been a minute since I’ve logged on. Two years ago I excitedly embarked on my 52 New Things adventure. I tried 52 new things and blogged my way through the journey. The following year I decided I wanted to challenge myself (and blog it) in a new way—-12 big hikes, the Dirty Dozen. For the first half of 2022 I did a good job of monthly hikes that were either ten plus miles or several hikes in a day totaling more than ten miles…and then in May of 2022 I found out that I would need to have a total Hysterectomy…my life and my big hikes were put on pause…and so too were my blog updates. Cut to seven months post op, and I am happy to have kicked off 2023 with a new goal (and of course some new blog posts). 2023 is the year of twelve monthly goals. Each month, I hope to participate in a 30 day goal (February gets a pass, 28 days will have to do!). The January 2023 30 Day Goal? 30 Hikes in 30 Days (no trail repeats). ...