January Goal: 30 Hikes, 30 Days…

Hello 2023!  It’s been a minute since I’ve logged on.  Two years ago I excitedly embarked on my 52 New Things adventure.  I tried 52 new things and blogged my way through the journey.  The following year I decided I wanted to challenge myself (and blog it) in a new way—-12 big hikes, the Dirty Dozen.  For the first half of 2022 I did a good job of monthly hikes that were either ten plus miles or several hikes in a day totaling more than ten miles…and then in May of 2022 I found out that I would need to have a total Hysterectomy…my life and my big hikes were put on pause…and so too were my blog updates.  Cut to seven months post op, and I am happy to have kicked off 2023 with a new goal (and of course some new blog posts).  

2023 is the year of twelve monthly goals.  Each month, I hope to participate in a 30 day goal (February gets a pass, 28 days will have to do!).  The January 2023 30 Day Goal?  30 Hikes in 30 Days (no trail repeats).  It was an experience!  Coincidentally, my hiking partner in crime, April, also wanted to kick start the year with hiking every day in January.  Thank goodness, I had an accountability partner, a co-planner, and a motivator for those days I might have wanted to sit at home reading a book or binging Netflix.  

I started my thirty days of hikes with an easy and short neighborhood trail and worked my way through sunrises, sunsets, waterfalls, rock climbing, sand, mud, rain, paved trails, new to me trails, and overgrown trails and ended the month long adventure at my trail nemesis: Koko Crater Stairs.  The trail I vowed to only set foot on once a decade… 

I found this first monthly goal/resolution to be both a mental and physical challenge.  Scheduling, homeschooling my eleven year old, and managing life, were part of what made this thirty days of hiking more than just trying to catch my breath on those steep inclines.  It was an exercise in prioritizing.  It was an exercise in creativity and juggling.  I was delighted that on several of my thirty hikes, my youngest son Zach was able to join in—-lessons in nature for Homeschool! 

Other challenges were fitting in hikes while traveling, having family visitors, and just generally being middle aged.  The muscle creams, massage gun, and the occasional glass of red wine were definitely needed to help soothe my weary, aging muscles.  (Although, I didn’t mind that red wine remedy.)

Lucky for me, my “backyard” has what feels like an unlimited amount of trails to be explored (for the first time or for the hundredth time).  That was the easy part, the accessibility.  Between April and I, we took turns driving and choosing trails to meet our mileage, elevation, or views expectations for the week.  It was nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of.  On weekends the family would join us on our escapades and in addition to hiking some new to me trails, I got the added bonus of learning all there is to know about Pokémon (thanks Chloe!).  

A few of my favorites from this month of hiking include:

1. Crouching Lion: we pushed further up the trail towards the summit on uncharted territory for us both

2. Sunset Hills: a new to me trail that has lots more to explore at another time

3. Koko Crater Stairs: (say whaaat?) we slowly conquered the devil trail after 29 other days of hiking

4. Kamehame Ridge: we witnessed the most gorgeous of sunrises and I felt strong hiking the incline

5. Manoa Falls: an old, (usually) uneventful trail that showed off and surprised us with a bountiful rush of water that I rarely see on this humble trail.

The Stats: (if my math is correct…I’m a better hiker than math-er)

Days Hiked: 30

Miles Hiked: 102.5

Steps Taken: 261,752

Floors Climbed: 470

Trails Traveled: 32

Family Dragged Along: Zach, Isom, Tonya, Bill, Kathi, Jim

Trail Buddies: April, Chloe, Jennah, Lena

Sustenance Provided By: Hiking Hawaii Cafe, Dunkin Donuts (😮), Jolenes, Mana + Pua, Seven Brothers Sharks Cove

Injuries: None (unless tired, sore muscles count)

Shoes Thrown Out: 1 (the sole of my long time Salomon hiking shoes ripped clean off)

Leggings Thrown Out: 1 (ripped a hole in one of my favorite pairs…they were unsalvageable)

Pictures Taken: whoa, I can’t count that high

Lessons Learned: Countless

Memories Made: Priceless

I hope that setting a new goal for each month will keep me interested and excited for physical, mental, and emotional challenges in 2023 and beyond.  I hope this is my Eat, Hike, Love year (you know, like that famous book by a similar name).  I hope that with each month, I re-discover consistency, commitment, and appreciation for the people and things I hold dear in my life.  If this first goal is any indication of the year ahead, then I am already grateful for 2023.  It will be a year of wonder, limit pushing, learning, nature, and passion——some of my favorite things.  

January Trails:

1. Mililani Ravine
2. Ohana Trail
3. Wahiawa Botanical Gardens
4. Ehukai Pillboxes
5. Central Oahu Regional Park
6. Kaua’i Make Your Own Trail
7. Kapaa Bike Path
8. Wahiawa Hills
9. Kealia (or Switchbacks)
10. Kipapa Stream
11. Kahuku Point (or Turtle Bay Trails)
12. Kamehame Ridge
13. Tripler Ridge
14. Kolekole Pass
15. Aloha Aina Trail
16. Manoa Cliff
17. Pauoa Flats
18. Mighty Mouse
19. Pali Puka
20. Upper Waimano Tunnels
21. Urban Waikiki
22. Sunset Bike Trail
23. Sunset Hills
24. Luakaha Falls
25. Crouching Lion
26. Kaena Point (north shore side)
27. Maunawili Demo Trail
28. Kalaheo Hillside
29. Manoa Falls
30. Koko Crater Stairs 

I hope you will follow along on my twelve monthly goals adventure in 2023.  I’ll do my best to hit each goal and share my progress along the way.  Until next month…Namaste~ (your clue for my February goal)

 “Between every two pine trees there is a door leading to a new way of life.” ~John Muir


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