This time last year I was as big as a house, uncomfortable, irritated, sweaty, and impatient for baby Z to arrive. Like a good little boy, he arrived into our family right on time---his due date. We welcomed him at Kaiser Hospital right before midnight on August 28, 2011. He weighed in at close to 10.2 pounds with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a devilish charm. He has not stopped rockin and rollin since. Over the weekend we celebrated his first birthday in true Rockstar fashion. Friends and family swam at the pool and munched on snacks while Isom and I breathed sighs of relief...we survived. Not just the party, but the first chaotic year of parenting two boys. Zach and Gabe are opposites in every way and keep us on our toes. It's been fun, tiring, and challenging, but quick cake recipes (thanks Pinterest), the occasional date night thrown in, and humorous Zach (and Gabe) antics have kept us a float. We just keep truckin... Zach, you bring joy to everyone in our family...despite y...