
Showing posts from September, 2013

Circus, Circus

Everyday is a circus around here, but today we experienced a real one...on purpose. A hot one. A loud one. A dusty one. A fun one.  A few gallons of sweat, a shave ice, a slice of pizza, an eleven year old Gangnam Style impersonator, a clown, motorcycles in the globe of death?! Who says money can't buy happiness? Today it bought two hours of happy laughs for our family. By the end, Zach was so exhausted from amazement (and probably heat), that he fell asleep as soon as we stepped out of the big top.  I think he enjoyed his first trip to the circus. I enjoyed watching the kids...and the magicians...and the aerial acrobats. It was way better than spending the hot afternoon at home doing laundry. I even captured this photo of two monkeys! Modern American Circus was good old fashioned fun. 

The Great Outdoors

...remember that old movie with John Candy and Dan Akroyd? We didn't exactly experience that movie, but there were a lot of laughs during our weekend camping adventure to Malaekahana with our pals the Pommerenks. The kids (ranging in age from 2 to 12) had a blast. Overall they got along well and enjoyed tree swings, surfing, boogie boarding, sand ball fights (do what you can when there's no snow), a scavenger hunt, tightrope walking, campfire charades and s'mores of course.  Gabe never dreamed he could have so much fun without watching TV.  The adults enjoyed two beautiful beach days and a surprising amount of sit down and sip a cold beer time. Our curious Zach was a much better behaved monkey as compared to last time.  He did manage to break my sunglasses, have the worlds biggest, most disgusting diaper (at night of course...poopy diaper change in a tent by candle light is super fun!), and ruined a shirt and towel with his gross lets spit out all my food antics...BUT he...

Zachy Turns Two

Two years old! We celebrated Zach's second birthday this past Wednesday. Thomas the Train (pronounced Domas) party hats, a ride on the Pearlridge monorail, cupcake date with buddy Jennings, homemade strawberry train cake (noticing a theme?) and a Big Wheel (preparing him for his future in a Motorcycle Club).  What more does a little boy need? Zach was still vehemently claiming to be one, but we know no one is falling for that line.  Measuring three feet tall and 29.8 lbs, him claiming to be one is like me claiming I'm still 25. Two is proving to be just as rigorous as one was. I know the go to descriptor is "terrible". But, we've already been dealing with a high energy, climbing, curious, destruction boy of I've been feeling pretty confident in what the year ahead might bring. Looking ahead, I know we have potty training and pre-school on the horizon. But, honestly I'm happy to enjoy the "terribleness" of now a little while longer. Wh...