Kane'ohe Exploration: Pu'u Ma'eli'eli

First day of school intersession, we laced up our oldest, dirtiest sneakers, filled our water bottles, packed our snacks, and headed over the mountains to windy and cloudy Kane'ohe for a hike! Pu'u Ma'eli'eli or the digging hill trail, was an uphill, muddy at times, root filled, berry filled, view filled hiking adventure. We had a large group by our standards---three adults and three boys (two teens and a preschooler). We made it up in pretty good time (under 45 minutes) and cruised on top of the Pillbox at the end of the hike for a long time taking in the sweeping coastline view. To our left, Chinaman's Hat (Mokoli'i), to our far right Rabbit Island (Manana), in front of us Kane'ohe Marine Corp Base and Kane'ohe Bay. Although the weather was good for hiking, not too humid, not too hot, it made for a slightly blurred and overcast view from the top. We were all already wowed with the view on a drizzly gray day---a testament to how amazing this view must ...