Kane'ohe Exploration: Aikahi Pillbox

Go further. That is what I learned today. Ever started a project, but then stopped prematurely? Stopped just shy of reaching your goal? This has been a recurring theme for me. Stopping a book before finishing because I've become sidetracked by life. Only doing half a workout because I'm sore. Turning around before reaching the end of a trail... A few months ago, my family and I hiked this very same hike I am posting about today. And yet, we did NOT see the Pillbox. Hmm. We quit too soon! We reached a cluster of antenna at what we thought was the top of the mountain and assumed that was all there was to the trail. WRONG. Today, Zach and I went further. And we were rewarded with stunning views, a better workout, and one giant ant that scared the you know what out of my five year old. (Now I know he has a fear of ants.) Learn something new everyday. Blue skies, views from Kane'ohe Marine Corp Base to Chinaman's Hat to past Lanikai and Bellows in the distance---all definite...