52 New: #31 Five Random Acts of Kindness
This past week was a busy one---preparing for Zach's tenth birthday (we buried a time capsule...another blog on that to come), ongoing homeschool, work at the farm, and it was Gabe's first week of college! Lots of milestones happening this year. It seemed like there was a lot happening in the world outside of ours as well, so I took it as an opportunity to spread kindness . My latest "new thing" was RAOK or Random Acts of Kindness. I took the boys on five new random acts of kindness and in the process realized opportunities for kindness are everywhere if you just open your eyes and look. And of course I had to incorporate the boys in my latest "new thing". The first thing on our random acts of kindness tour was dropping off groceries to a friend who had to quarantine...although I guess that wasn't random, more a deliberate act of kindness. Nevertheless, it was a great way to kick the week of random acts off. The next RAOK...