
Showing posts from September, 2011

National Coffee Day

Since I can only post pictures of my baby lately, in honor of National Coffee Day or what really should be National Starbucks Day, I deliver to you a baby montage (both baby in size and baby in content) of Starbucks goodness. Coffee Day started out with the aroma of my husband... brewing up his cup of Joe via our Keurig this morning. I followed suit as I knew I wouldn't (unfortunately) be making it into a Starbucks myself today. Instead, I was too busy sipping on my morning java and posing baby Z with random Starbucks paraphernalia. I might be suffering from an unfortunate combination of over-caffeination and stir craziness. My apologies...but please enjoy.

Four Weeks

...and two days. By the time tomorrow arrives, Zach will officially be one month old. At one month he is 13.2 pounds. He is just getting over a mild case of baby acne. He has cradle cap...of the eyebrows. He has maintained his blond locks. He has captured our hearts even more. On his four week "birthday" we celebrated by taking our first full family outing to...Starbucks. It was a momentous occasion. Baby Z did great...he slept the entire time. I guess coffee isn't that exciting to him yet. The rest of the clan enjoyed a much needed break from breakfast at the house. We even ventured, baby and all, to Longs Drugs. His four week birthday would not have been complete without a stop at my old work. Plenty of oohs and ahhs and we even found Baby Z's Halloween costume. Once we had returned home from our "birthday" adventures, we were greeted by our friends the Schultz's, recently returned from their trip to Italy...and a first birthday party, s...

Long Day At The Office

...for Zach. It's hard work trying not to poop out of the side of your diaper. Even harder work trying not to spit up on your cute onesie. We are now in week three of "life on the outside". Zach is a trooper. He is enduring a cranky mom who has been low on sleep, a dad that continues to scratch his face with his beard/goatee, and a big brother who has no concept of personal space. If it were me, I'd be crying or fussing every minute, but not Zach. He is a cruiser...maintaining that Virgo sense of adaptability at every turn...completely opposite of Gabe, the Leo. It is so interesting to see the differences (and a few similarities) between Gabe and Zach...although, I'm sure some of this is a bit pre-mature. I guess, age, as much as personality as something to do with their behavioral/personality differences. It's hard to believe that almost a month has gone by...I haven't baked (pre-made frozen goods don't count), gone out with the ladies, seen ...

Zachary's First Bath

Yes, I do have two kids. Two boys in fact. It might seem that I only have one right now...Zach. All of my waking (and even not waking) hours are spent doing things for and thinking about him...all the while still thinking of the older one, better known as Gabe. I have to remind myself that it's fair. I was madly in love with Gabe when he was this new too. In fact, madly in love with him until he was able to talk...then it was just love, no longer madly. Smile. I suppose it will be the same for Zach as well. Madly in love until he talks. For now, you will all have to endure the endless posts of all his "firsts". It's like the 500 cupcake recipe posts I have been doing for the past two years, but instead, now it's a non-edible cupcake named Zach. 500 posts of Zach or something close to it. Are you ready for posts that cute? Here is post number one (well, technically number three if you count the previous two) of all the many "firsts" Zach (and ...

Thankful, Grateful, Full

Thankful to all the friends and family that have called, emailed, texted, Facebooked, Tweeted, Blogged, stopped by (especially those with sweets) with food, mailed cards, sent gifts, had our family (now suddenly grown to four) in your thoughts. Grateful for all the visits received at the hospital and now at home. Full from all the delicious Starbucks treats, pastas, desserts, dishes made for us so we can spend more time gazing at and adoring our new addition. We appreciate all the love and help we have received over the past seventeen (already?!) days. Here's the Zach visitors hall of fame...

In Between Diapers And Feedings

...I have found the time to accomplish watching up to season three of one of the best shows no longer on T.V.---Friday Night Lights, and stare endlessly at Zachary, otherwise known as "one-eyed Zach. He loves to make lots of facial expressions and looks like he will be a "hand talker" (just like his momma). Zach has already reached his first milestone, he "lost" his umbilical cord stump (for lack of a better, more medical term). The day before his two week birthday, I was preparing to nurse him, and noticed I could see a belly button instead of the black, yucky old thing that had been a part of him since birth. Hooray, we can finally bathe the poop and pee machine! Zach's two week check-up went well. He didn't fuss and we learned that at two weeks (which, if he were like his big brother, would be my 42nd week of pregnancy) he weighed exactly what big brother Gabe weighed at birth---a whopping 11.2 lbs. The nurses thought I was there for his two MO...

Baby Zachary Has Arrived

It's been a little over a week since I delivered Zach and almost a week since being discharged from the hospital. I've really learned in that short period of time, that every kid is different...from delivery to personality to looks. This little guy made his appearance on time. On his due date. I'm hoping this speaks to his punctuality in all life situations. We couldn't be happier to introduce Zachary Benjamin Majors to the world. Although he didn't beat big brother on the weight or length categories, he is still a big boy. Weighing in at 10 lbs 1.7 ounces and measuring 21.65 inches, we met Zach under the lights of an operating room. It was not my ideal birth plan, but we made it! From the moment they put him on my chest, it was love at first sight. He is sweet, curious, calm, beautiful, darling. A truly great spirit. He already has adoring fans from across the U.S., the three biggest ones being myself, Isom, and Gabe. Enjoy the snapshots...I am so excited...