
Showing posts from June, 2023

June Goal: 30 Days of Earthing

Another thirty day challenge is behind me, or should I say beneath me?  June marked my sixth consecutive month of completing ( or attempting to complete…last months workout challenge missed the mark by four days ) a different thirty day challenge (February got a deal with twenty-eight days).   A quick re-cap— January Challenge: 30 different Hikes in 30 days February Challenge: 28 days of Yoga practice March Challenge: 30 different Beaches in 30 days April Challenge: 30 days of Breathwork and Meditation ( not documented on the Blog yet ) May Challenge: 30 days of Working Out ( also not documented on the Blog yet ) The first half of 2023 has been Mountain, Mat, Marine, Mindful, and Muscle.  June caps it off with Mother Earth… June Challenge?  30 Days of Earthing or Grounding.  This was a concept that was new to me in terms of realizing there were benefits, not new in terms of realizing this was how I spent the first half of my life.  I was coming back to an old friend, an old habit